National Day is round the corner.Let's give our bedroom/dorm a thorough clean.
60国庆节快到了,咱们把寝室彻底打扫一下吧。 |
National Day is the most important holiday in each country, but the name of the national holiday in different countries.
国庆节是每个国家最重要的节日之一,但各国国庆节的名称有所不同。 |
National Day this year is Monday.
今年国庆节是星期一。 |
National Day will soon come round.
国庆节即将到来。 |
National Fire Protection Association. Quincy, Massachusetts.
全国防火协会。昆西,麻萨诸塞州。 |
National Flag: The National Flag (proportions 2 by 1) is blue, bearing in its center a white-edged black triangle partly covered by a gold triangle rising from a common base.
国旗:蓝色的底面象征圣卢西亚岛国周围的海洋。位于中间的白、黑、黄三色的三角形象征岛国。三角形中的黑色代表火山,黑色和白边又象征该国两个主要民族,黄色象征海滩和阳光。 |
National Flag: The National Flag (proportions 3 by 2) has five 1horizontal stripes: a broad central band of red (with a five-pointed yellow star in the center), edged with white, between bands of green.
国旗:旗面上有五个平行条纹:中间较宽的红条(有一个黄颜色五星在其中央)在两个白色条纹中间,白色条纹外为绿色条纹。 |
National Flag: The National Flag (proportions 5 by 3) is deep red, divided by a white-edged black diagonal stripe from upper hoist to lower fly.
国旗:红色象征国家和人民的生命力,也象征温暖和太阳的热能。黑色象征力量、统一、国家的财富和人民的献身精神。白色象征国家的未来和海洋。 |
National Flag: The national flag (proportions 5 by 3 when flown on land, but 2 by 1 at sea) is green, with a white-bordered yellow triangle (apex at the edge of the fly) on which is superimposed a black-bordered red triangle (apex in the centre).
国旗:三角形箭头象征国家的前进步伐;绿色象征农业和林业等自然资源;白色象征河流和水源;黄色象征矿藏、财富;黑色象征人民勇往直前、坚韧不拔的精神;红色象征人民建设祖国的热情和力量。 |
National Flag: The national flag (proportions 8 by 5) is blue (upper hoist and lower fly) and red (lower hoist and upper fly), quartered by a white cross.
国旗:由红、白、蓝三色组成。白色十字交叉处绘有国徽。红色象征国家创建着为自由艰苦斗争之火和鲜血,白色十字是宗教信仰和人民奋斗牺牲之象征,蓝色象征自由。 |
National Fleet's flagging out become a serious issue over decade, Taiwan government has released a number of measures to deal with FOC issues such as vessel construction fund and foreign seaman number allowances, however it seems to be no any attractivene
摘要台湾籍船舶艘数与船吨数逐年下降,虽然政府所推动一系列奖助措施,似乎抵挡不住船东外移悬挂权宜籍船舶狂潮,包括低税赋、雇用外籍船舶、免徵用以及自由往来两岸港口。 |