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After use the Add or Remove Programs go to the Program folder and remove any folder/file that remains.

After unsuccessfully urging Congress to enact an ambitious proposal to expand health-insurance coverage, Clinton declared that the era of “big government” was over in America. 在力劝国会通过一项扩展医疗保险的宏大计划无功而返之后,克林顿宣布美国“大政府”时代到此结束。
After upholding to scold the folded wife, a second-hand hu and moulds the threshold in shorthand on the highland. 在赞成责骂被折叠的妻子之后,二手丈夫在高地以速记法铸成了一个门槛。
After upholding to scold the folded wife, a second-hand husband moulds the threshold in shorthand on the highland. 在赞成责骂被折叠的妻子之后,二手丈夫在高地以速记法铸成了一个门槛。
After use always replace the mouthpiece cover to keep out dust and fluff. 使用后请将吸口盖盖上,以防灰尘和绒毛。
After use for a period, if cannot transport, remove the hydraulic controlled screw, clean the valve core of the hydraulic controlled tank, replace hydraulic oil. 使用一段时间后不能运输和,拆下液控螺塞,清洗液控箱阀芯,更换液压油。
After use the Add or Remove Programs go to the Program folder and remove any folder/file that remains. 在使用添加删除程序后进入程序文件夹,并删除遗留的文件夹/文件。
After use, apply foot milk cream to moisturize foot skin. 使用之后,涂抹脚乳霜,能使脚部肌肤更加滋润。
After use, it can form a protective film to hold moisture, and make your hands soft and smooth, delicate and tender. 使用后,能在肌肤表面形成保护膜,防止水份的散失,令双手柔软光滑、细腻有弹性。
After use, you will feel longlasting softness and moisture! 用后,感觉持久的柔软润泽!
After use, your skin turns clean and clear. 使用后肌肤清爽,不油腻。
After using Amway quality products for ourselves we soon came to the conclusion that it is worthwhile to share these wonderful products with others. 在用过安利的优质产品后,我们觉得值得让更多的朋友去认识和使用。

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