It is highly recommended that you use index buffers rather than raw application-allocated memory when possible, for the same reasons as vertex buffers.
我们强烈推荐你尽可能使用使用索引缓存而不是直接程序分配内存,同样也推荐使用顶点缓存。 |
It is highly reliable in pile driving: the perpendicularity of the driven pile can be ensured due to the excellent rigidity of pile frame, secure connection, low gravity centre of main machine, big grounding area and very strong stability of anti-overturn
打桩可靠性高:打桩架钢性好、联接牢靠、主机重心低、接地面积大、桩机在行走移位及打桩过程中具有较强的抗倾覆稳定性,并能保证打入桩垂直度。 |
It is highly significant in research of the structure of enzyme, mechanism of receptor-antibody and analytical chemistry.
它对于研究酶的结构、认识受体-抗体作用机理及在分析化学等方面有重要的意义。 |
It is highly suggested that interest rates for the federal funds be raised in May and June this years slightly a little higher than the previous 25 base points, say, 28 or 29 base points, etc., and at the same time a tone will be elevated to give a hint t
今年5月、6月联邦基金利率的提高最好比之前的每次25个基点略多一些,如28个基点、29个基点等,同时在语气上向市场给出美联储后续仍可能继续加息的暗示。 |
It is hilarious to watch these yakkers go crazy when their idiotic conversations are interrupted.
看着这些长舌的人因为他们白痴的对话被打断而气愤难耐的模样,实在太好笑了。 |
It is his affair where he goes on Sunday.
他星期天到哪里去是他的事. |
It is his assistant who monitored the pregnancy of the sheep that gave birth to Dolly.
是他的助手监控那只羊的怀孕,那只羊生下了多利。 |
It is his belief that education should not be the privilege of a limited number of people.
他相信,教育不应该是某一限定人数的特权。 |
It is his express wish that we should go without him.
他明确的愿望是要我们不带他一起走。 |
It is his intention that there should be a computer in the picket of everybody in the whole world.
他的目标是全世界每个人的口袋中都应该有一台电脑。 |
It is home to an important breeding population of the endangered southern right whale as well as important breeding populations of southern elephant seals and southern sea lions.
该保护区是濒危南极独角鲸、南极海象和南极海狮繁殖种群的庇护地。 |