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At the end of a letter, people always write a postscript.

At the end of June 1996, Hermione's year-long ban on Rita Skeeter's writing will end. 1996年6月底,赫敏对丽塔·斯基特的写作禁令将会到期。
At the end of Shang dynasty and the beginning of Zhou dynasty, the ancient Shu entered the Duyu dynasty. 商末周初,古蜀国由鱼凫王朝跨入了杜宇王朝。
At the end of Tuesday's session, Saddam said he would not attend what he called an unjust courtand told the judge to go to hell. 在星期二审判结束的时候,萨达姆说,他将不出席他所称的“不公正的法庭”,还叫主审法官“见鬼去”。
At the end of World War II, Hong Kong was a dirt-poor island with a per-capita income about one-quarter that of Britain's. 第二次世界大战后,香港是个非常贫穷的小岛,人均收入仅为英国的四分之一左右。
At the end of World War II, we faced a new world order that challenged some of the basic tenets of what we stand for as a nation. 在二战结束的时候,我们面临着新的社会秩序,这曾经对我们这个国家的一些基本原则形成威胁。
At the end of a letter, people always write a postscript. 在一封信的结尾处,人们常常要写上附言。
At the end of a long wooden bridge across the Tagliamento military carabiniere were seizing all officers, giving them drumhead trials, and executing them by the river bank. 在塔利亚门托河上一座木桥的一头,宪兵见军官便抓,对他们进行战地军法审判,就在河边处决。
At the end of a request, after a response has been sent to the client, the page is detached from the request. 在请求结束时,响应被发往给客户端后,页面从请求中被分离。
At the end of a tragedy we always feel sorry for the hero. 悲剧结束时我们常为主人公伤感。
At the end of a week when he has overseen the first new addition to his championship-winning squad and said goodbye to the first departure, José Mourinho has spoken about what the summer may hold for some of his other players. 周末,穆里尼奥迎来了冠军队伍的第一位新来客,也跟第一位告别者说了再见,同时,他也对其他球员在这个夏天的去留问题作了一番讲话。
At the end of a year, the women on the Atkins diet had lost the most, more than four and one-half kilograms on average. 在一年结束时,实施食肉减肥法的妇女减掉最多的体重,平均有4.5公斤。

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