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We also provide technical training, production technics directions and production instruction when we make complete plant design and installing.

We also produce the following projects: Injection Product, Extrusion Product, and Die Cast Product. 我们还生产以下项目:注塑产品、挤塑产品、铸铝产品。
We also prospectively studied the post-operative changes of visual acuity, astigmatism, and endothelial cell loss of the alternative technique as compared with those occurring when ECCE and phacoemulsification were performed. 结果显示晶核切割术及晶体乳化术优于囊外白内障摘除术,有较佳的早期视力回复及较少的术后散光。
We also proved that lead of the twist-roller frictional drive not only is influenced by the load, but also has relation with contact stiffness between the twist-roller and the shaft. 证明了导程的变化量不仅取决于载荷变化量,而且取决于扭轮和传动轴之间的接触刚度。
We also provide excellent benefits such as shuttle bus, free meal, social insurance and public housing fund as well as paid holidays and bonus. 公司采取的用工形式均为合同制,提供班车、四金、工作餐、有薪病假、年休假、年终奖等福利,同时重视人才培养,将给员工提供诸多培训。
We also provide mechanical watch, quartz watch, insert watch,thermometer, hygrometer...... Detail please visit our website or contact us through our E-mail. 另外我们另外本厂还供应各款时尚的钥匙扣挂表、机械表、石英表、钟胆、温度表、湿度表等。详情请浏览我们网站或通过电邮询问。
We also provide technical training, production technics directions and production instruction when we make complete plant design and installing. 我公司在为用户提供各类成套生产线设计、安装的同时,并提供技术培训、产品工艺配方及生产指导等一条龙服务。
We also realize the growing need and necessity to industrialize certain sections of the economy. 我们也认识到越来越需要使某些经济部门实行工业化。
We also received the reflections of two bi-lingual readers from the U.S. 我们也收到两个美国双语读者的回响。
We also recognize that not everyone will resonate with this material as it focuses on more detail than perhaps the average human has interest in. 我们也承认,并不是每一个人都会与这一资料相共鸣,因为它专注于更多细节之中,也许比人类平均感兴趣的内容要多得多。
We also recommend a study of the more comprehensive glossary accompanying this translation. 我们建议读者结合译本阅读这个语词汇释,以便充分理解这些语词。
We also request for Recommendation Letter and Working Certification Record from your previous employer. 我们提供良好的工作环境和薪酬,完善的培训和员工福利。履历请附照片、推荐函及工作记录证明。

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