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I want to get promotion by virtue of my ability.

I want to get a seat beside you. 我愿意坐在你旁边.
I want to get away from the idea of a plane being a place. 我想抛弃作为一个地方的层面的概念。
I want to get back to playing as soon as possible and get this setback behind me. 我希望能尽早返回赛场,把那些不愉快抛在身后。
I want to get into movies next, a leadrole in a super cool indie flick. 我接下来要进入电影圈,是在一个超级酷的独立电影里做主角。
I want to get married; preferably to a rich man. 我想结婚,最好是找到一位有钱人。
I want to get promotion by virtue of my ability. 我要靠自己的才能获得提升.
I want to get some samples back to show to our distributors. 我要带一些样品回去给我们的经销商们看看。
I want to get some stationery and envelopes. 我要买些文具和信封。
I want to get there by subway. 我想乘地铁去那儿。
I want to get to know the arena, know the slightest little detail, the least little step, the slightest spotlight, so that I could sing and dance with my eyes closed. 我想慢慢了解这舞台,能知道最细小的细节,最最小的每一阶和每个镁光灯,这样我才可以闭著眼睛唱歌跳舞。
I want to give you some money. 我想给你一些钱。

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