Blitzkrieg was named so because it included surprise attacks, Lighting fastrapid advances into enemy territory, with coordinated massive air attacks, which struck and shocked the enemy as if it was struck by lightning.
闪电战之所以被如此命名因为它包括:突然袭击,以闪电般的速度快速推进到敌人的领土,并配以大量的空中攻击来协助,从而使受到打击的敌人犹如被闪电击中一般。 |
Blitzkrieg – Increases the Ground Attack and Shock Attack values of Armor units.
闪电战:增加装甲部队地面火力和冲击力。 |
Blizzard - Much denser and larger than normal Blizzard. Unknown damage.
暴风雪:比普通的暴风雪范围和密度都要大许多,伤害未知. |
Blizzard is also going to modify the more unused units like the Steam Tank and Head Hunters.
暴雪还将更改更多类似坦克和猎头的新单位。 |
Blizzard: Nope - but it will be a LOT harder to get to level 99 after 1.10 goes live.
没有,但1.10开始以后,升到99级将会变得困难得多。 |
Blizzard: There are new unique charms!
会有新的暗金符咒! |
Blizzard: We have added a lobby on entry to Battle.net that will let you see your character stats and jump directly into a game.
我们增加了登陆大厅让玩家能看到自己的人物状态和直接进入游戏。 |
Blizzard: We have found in our testing that the changes to our collision detection system has helped performance.
我们在我们的测试中发现我们冲突监测系统的变化对游戏的性能有帮助。 |
Blizzard: Yes, thanks to the new Horadric Cube recipes.
是的,由于新得合成配方。 |
Blizzard: Yes, they now require a particular gem also to create in the cube.
是的,现在需要一个特别的宝石才能合成回复药水。 |
Blizzard: Yes, we have upgraded health, mana, warmth, antidote, and stamina potions.
是的,我们升级了生命、魔法、解冻、解毒和精力药水。 |