Methods: Using 30 cases of sleepless outpatient from 2004.5 to 2005.3, comparing the syndromes before the treatment and two weeks after the treatment using the syndromes evaluating score table, the indexes included: the sleeping time, the sleep wake-up le
方法:本研究从2004年5月至2005年3月,选择门诊失眠患者30例,利用症候评分表,观察失眠患者在治疗前和经2周治疗后入睡时间、睡眠觉醒程度,觉醒后的精神状况、症状改善的情形。 |
Methods: Using an improved extraction method and measuring the content of total saponin in radix platycodonis.
方法:采用改进的总皂苷提取方法,对桔梗总皂苷进行了含量测定。 |
Methods: Using high-frequency ultrasound mammary glands of 63 married parous women (age range 22-67 years) who had the history of menstrual distending pain of the breast and who were noticed to have breast nodes were examined and pathologically classified
方法:用高频探头对年龄在22~67岁,有婚孕史,伴有或不伴有月经期乳腺胀痛,有乳腺结节的63例患者的乳腺进行检查,按世界卫生组织(WHO)乳腺结构不良病理分型,分析乳腺异常声像图。 |
Methods: Using mouse which were fed by different drinks(water, sucrose water and trehalose water) respectively as testing animals which were exposed to 30℃ habitat.
方法:以小鼠为模型,考察不同成分饮用水(水、蔗糖和海藻糖)饲喂的小鼠热暴露的存活时间和衰竭游泳时间。 |
Methods: Using the peripheral blood lymphocyte chromosome preparation technique and fragile site technique, to analyze chromosome aberrtion rate and fragile site expression rate of 30 cases of mental retardation sufferer and 30 cases of normal person resp
方法:采用外周血淋巴细胞染色[摘要]目的:探讨精神发育迟滞者与染色体畸变率和脆性部位表达率的相关性。 |
Methods: We collected the data of 380 gastritis (Weiwantong) patients include symptoms, tongues and pulses, then used variables cluster analysis to analyse it.
方法:收集380例胃炎(胃脘痛)病例,记录症状、舌象和脉象等临床资料,对临床资料进行变量聚类分析。 |
Methods: We selected 23 cases of liver disorder at advanced stage, the liver transplantation was performed under epidural blockade (0.75% Ropivacaine) combining with general anesthesia (lower concentration isoflurane).
方法:选择终末期肝病患者23例,在0.75%罗哌卡因持续硬膜外阻滞复合吸入低浓度异氟醚全麻下行肝脏移植手术,术中严密监测各项生理参数及生化指标。 |
Methods: We selected two regions as study sites, one of which represented a rural area and the other an urban area in northwestern Taiwan.
研究对象是急诊部门的病患中须转诊者,不包括门诊及病房的转诊病患。 |
Methods: We studied 75 clinically stable patients with a range of seerity of airway obstruction and 42 healthy smoker or ex-smoker control subjects, free of cardioascular disease.
方法:我们对75位严重气道阻塞的临床稳定患者和42位无心血管疾患的健康吸烟者或戒烟者作为对照组。 |
Methods: We took the method of braking cells machinerily, dialysis in low temperature, freeze-drying and son on to enhance its efficacy of oral transfer ring-factor.
方法:通过机械法破碎细胞、低温透析、冷冻干燥等工艺手段来提高口服转移因子的药效。 |
Methods: We used 3-0 non-invasive thread for intradermal suture and fixed the eyebrow to the superciliary periost, then double eyelid construction was performed to remove the superfluous skin of upper eyelid in 23 patients with upper eyelid cutis laxa.
方法:应用3-0无损伤线皮内缝合,固定眉于眉骨骨膜上,再结合重睑成形术去除上睑多余的皮肤,治疗23例上睑皮肤松弛患者。 |