Critics have charged that the department was remiss in not trying to dialogue with representatives of the community before hiring the new officers.
在雇用新的官员之前,评论家们已指责该部门在与社会代表的对话中对自己的职责有疏忽 |
Critics have found them to be somewhat lacking in emotional depth; skirting round problems rather than meeting them head on.
批评家们觉得他们情感浓度有所不够。他们是在回避问题而不是正视问题。 |
Critics have suggested that the sex abstinence programs could result in children engaging in unprotected sex in larger numbers.
而批评家们已经暗示性节制项目可能导致青少年大量的无防护性行为。 |
Critics in Europe and North America have praised Lamon both for her virtuosity and her strong musical leadership, which has brought Tafelmusik international recognition as one of the best ensembles in its field.
欧洲和北美的评论家对她的艺术鉴赏力和领导才能大加赞扬,她引领塔菲尔室内乐团获得音乐界认可,成为最佳音乐团体之一。 |
Critics of Fowler, who was 30 in April, like to call to mind three images when they speak about him: the notorious line-sniffing goal celebration against Everton in April 1999; the moment when he taunted Graeme Le Saux during a game at Chelsea; and the od
每当提起4月已满30岁的福勒,批评者总会提及三个画面:1999年4月在对埃弗顿比赛中臭名昭著的瘾君子庆祝动作,在与切尔西的比赛中辱骂勒索还有他被拍到的在夜总会中的照片。 |
Critics of free trade have reached for this “infant industry” argument ever since.
从那以后,批评自由贸易的人便用他的“工业初期”主张作为反驳武器。 |
Critics of graffiti claim that its associations with urban decay and gang related crime cause it to make urban areas look poor and dangerous.
对涂鸦持批评态度的人宣称,它与都市衰败现象和相关帮派犯罪活动有联系,从而使都市地区看起来贫穷而又危险。 |
Critics of the long-debated project say the memorial should be for all victims of the Third Reich, not only Jews. But the designer disagrees.
一些批评家认为,该纪念碑群应当为被纳粹屠杀的所有死难者建立,而不只是其中的犹太人。但设计师并不同意这种看法。 |
Critics of the plan fear that France will reduce its output, only to find that other nations fail to follow suit.
批评这项计画的人担心法国减产后,却发现其他国家并未跟进。 |
Critics of the reclassification program say the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other U.S. spy agencies are the driving force behind the move to reclassify the documents.
历史学者们说,从那时起,有接近10000份档案,总共超过55000页的资料,被重新分类,并从公众的视线中消失。 |
Critics point to the continuing instability of the company.
评论家们强调公司的形势继续不稳。 |