The numbers are part of a grayscale system in which brightness is measured in a range of values. One scale ranges from 0 to 15, and another from 0 to 255.
翻译:数字是灰度系统的一部分,在灰度系统中,一个范围内的亮度用一些数字被测量表示。一个刻度范围是0到15,另一个是0到225. |
The numbers changed quickly and Kiah's eyes didn't move.Rilla went across the room to his table.She began to watch the numbers,too.
那些数字飞快地变换着,凯眼都不眨一下。瑞拉穿过房间走到他的桌旁。她也开始观察那些数字。 |
The numbers come from the Report of the Development of an Overall Well-off Society (2006),China's first blue book to be published on building an overall well off society, Beijing Evening News reports.
据北京晚报报道,这组数据出自即将出版的《中国全面小康发展报告(2006)》,这是我国首部有关建设全面小康社会的蓝皮书。 |
The numbers given here (Fire particles setup.) should make for a realistic fire, but some modification may be necessary, depending on the actual emitter's size.
在这里被给予数目(火粒子安装.)将会是一个真实的火,但是一些修改是必须的,依靠真实的发射器的大小。 |
The numbers have become so large that the Chinese government has issued warnings about the effect virtual currency can have on China's financial stability by causing money supply problems, inflation, and avenues for money laundering.
数量如此庞大以至于中国政府警告货币的供应问题、通货膨胀、洗钱会影响到中国的金融稳定。 |
The numbers in the list are keyed to those in the instructions.
列表中的号码和说明书中的号码相对应。 |
The numbers of scalloped hammerhead and tiger sharks appear to have declined by more than 97 percent from 1970 to 2005, while populations of bull, dusky and smooth hammerhead sharks could be down as much as 99 percent, according to this analysis.
根据这份报告的分析,一九七0年至二00五年间,双髻鲨和虎鲨的数量减少了超过百分之九十七;公牛鲨、黑鲨、平双髻鲨的数量甚至减少了百分之九十九。 |
The numbers of the Pythagorean Lambdoma are 1, 1, 1, 1 an 1, 2, 3, 4.
毕达哥拉斯的蓝道玛是1,1,1,1和1,2,3,4。 |
The numbers one and two seeds did not disappoint the Parisian crowd, as they wooed their onlookers with some delightful clay court play.
表演赛的1,2号种子没有让巴黎的球迷失望,他们用愉快的红土表演引来了众人的观看。 |
The numbers one calculates from the facts seem to me so overwhelming as to put this conclusion almost beyond question.
在我看来,人从这些事实算出的数值给予上述结论以几乎毋容置疑的压倒性支持。 |
The numbers shall not experience growing painsand need to be renumbered.
号码能耐万年,逻辑如新,不需一再「整编」。 |