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Are kernels of apricots edible?

Are if I am a fox,you the hunter can chase after me? 如果我是狐狸你是猎人会追我吗?
Are if I am tea,you water meeting bubble (hold in the arms) me? 如果我是茶叶你是水会泡(抱)我吗?
Are in-process casting handling methods adequate to prevent damage? 铸造过程的操作方式是否可以避免损伤?
Are individuals up to the task of assuring their own financial security during retirement? 个人是否被迫担负起自己退休时的财务保障?
Are initiatives in place within your company to reduce/conserve resources? 你们公司是否有主动减少/储备供应来源?
Are kernels of apricots edible? 杏仁能吃吗?
Are key terms well defined? 所有的关键点都被准确的定义了吗?
Are locally hired aid workers really facing greater risks? 当地雇佣的援助人员真的面临着更大的风险么?
Are mandatory regulations required for water quality in Australia? 澳大利亚的水质是否需要强制性法规?
Are melanin ornaments signals of antioxidant and immune capacity in birds? 黑色素羽毛装饰反映了鸟类的抗氧化和免疫能力吗?
Are men and women equals in physical strength? 在体力上男人和女人相同吗?

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