On November ninth, 1989, communist East Germany threw open its borders, allowing citizens to travel freely to the West; joyous Germans danced atop the Berlin Wall. |
中文意思: 1989年11月9日,东德开放了边境,允许国民自由的到西德旅行;高兴的德国人在柏林墙上跳起舞来。 |
On November 30th, 1782, the United States and Britain signed preliminary peace articles in Paris, ending the Revolutionary War.
1782年,美国和英国在巴黎签订了初步了和平条款,结束了美国这革命战争。 |
On November 5 ~ 7, we are looking forward to meeting you again here in Changsha City.
11月5日-7日,我们在长沙期待着与你们的再次相会。 |
On November 6, 1861, Jefferson Davis was elected president, not of the United States of America but of the Confederate States of America.
在1861年11月6日,杰佛逊?大卫斯被选为南方联盟的总统,而不是北方联邦政府的总统。 |
On November eleventh, 1918, fighting in World War One came to an end with the signing of an armistice between the Allies and Germany.
1918年11月11日(光棍节哦)第一次世界大战随着协约国和德国签署了停战而而结束了! |
On November first, the Pew Hispanic Center released three reports about Hispanics and United States education system.
在11月1日,该中心发布了关于这些西班牙裔和美国教育系统的三份研究报告。 |
On November ninth, 1989, communist East Germany threw open its borders, allowing citizens to travel freely to the West; joyous Germans danced atop the Berlin Wall.
1989年11月9日,东德开放了边境,允许国民自由的到西德旅行;高兴的德国人在柏林墙上跳起舞来。 |
On Oct 16th of that year, preparing for Nixon's visit to China, Kissinger reached Beijing for the second time and was received by Premier Zhou at the People's Great Hall.
这年10月16日,为尼克松访华作具体安排的基辛格,第二次到达北京,周总理在人民大会堂接见他。 |
On Oct 18th,Mr Wu Jiaxi,deputy director of Economic &Trade Commission of Zhejiang Province,director general of Medium and Small-sized Enterprise Bureau, inspected VIE Group.
10月18日,浙江省经贸委副主任、省中小企业局局长吴家曦(右二)等一行考察万安。图为总裁陈锋正在给吴局长介绍万安发展情况。 |
On Oct 27th,2002,CTG Postdoctoral Research &Development Center was Inaugurated and the Joint Fostering of Postdoctoral between CTG and Shandong Uniwersity was Initiated.
2002年10月27日,公司举行泰山玻纤博士后科研工作站挂牌暨与山大联合培养博士后签字仪式。 |
On Oct,15th, 19:00, the cathedra initiated by MS club began and Sun Mingzhu, Chen Xiaoyu and Yu Yue attended it.They told us how to do,how to achieve success and how to exert a collectivity's potential, with their own successful experiences.
10月15日晚7:00,举办了微软俱乐部讲座,活动嘉宾孙明竹、陈晓宇、于跃主要向大家介绍了怎样增强俱乐部人员对技术的信心与对技术学习的强烈愿望。 |
On Oct. 22nd, 2004: “PKU 2003 Science and Technology Awarding Meeting” was held at the Sunshine Hall of Yingjie Exchange Center.
10月22日下午,“北京大学2003年度科技奖励大会”在英杰交流中心阳光大厅举行。 |