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Where vacant lots had been a year before, there were now factories turning out harness, saddles and shoes, ordnance-supply plants making rifles and cannon, rolling mills and foundries producing iron rails and freight cars to replace those destroyed by the

Where two or more designs are filed as one application in accordance with the Paragraph 2 of Article 31 of the Patent Law, they shall be numbered consecutively and each number shall be placed before the corresponding title of the view of the product incor 依照专利法第三十一条第二款规定将两项以上外观设计作为一件申请提出的,应当将各项外观设计顺序编号标在每件使用外观设计产品的视图名称之前。
Where two or more persons mutually agree to insure each other against marine losses there is said to be a mutual insurance. 两人或两人以上彼此同意互相承保海上损失,称为相互保险。
Where uncertainties in scientific knowledge exist, practical applications designed to be protective of a person's health are presented. 在科学仍存在不确定性之处,提出保护人体健康的实用作法。
Where under the sun do you want to go? 你究竟想到哪里去?
Where upon the Emperor his father published an edict, commanding all his subjects upon great penalties, to break the smaller end of their eggs. 因此,他的父皇颁布了—条法令,要求他的所有国民都要去磕鸡蛋的细端,不然就要受到严惩。
Where vacant lots had been a year before, there were now factories turning out harness, saddles and shoes, ordnance-supply plants making rifles and cannon, rolling mills and foundries producing iron rails and freight cars to replace those destroyed by the 一年前一直还是空旷的荒地,如今已是马具、马鞍和皮鞋的制造厂,制造步枪和大炮的兵工厂,生产铁轨和货车的轧钢厂和铸造厂(以代替北方佬破坏的铁轨和货车),以及制造马刺、马嚼、带扣、帐篷、纽扣、手枪和佩剑的各种工业部门。
Where was it that you met him? 你是在什么地方遇到他的?
Where was the 2007 version of Billups — a one-time high draft choice who was bouncing around out there, wasting away, yet still possessing the talent, the confidence and the swagger? 哪里还能找到2007版的比卢普斯呢,一个选秀时的高顺位,一个被交易过来交易过去的家伙,一个被时日损耗的人,然而,他也是一个满怀天赋,充满自信,而且能够目空一切的大家伙。
Where was the Declaration of Independence signed? 独立宣言在哪里签署?
Where was the force when they were standstill? 此时,这个巨大的引力跑到哪里去了?
Where was the last meeting held? 上次会议是在哪里召开的?

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