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After more than one hour hiking, we had already been very sweaty, because most of the routes were steep, too tired for hiking.

After more than a decade messing about writing some fine essays and autobiography mixed in with poor fiction and some questionable history, Martin Amis has suddenly—and unexpectedly, even to his publishers—turned in a work of real worth, a novel that not 过去十余年间,马丁?埃米斯一直在为撰写几篇优秀论文和一本夹杂着低俗虚构和一些不可靠的历史记载的自传而折腾不停,如今他却突然——甚至连他的出版商都意想不到的是——献出了一部真正有价值的著作,一部富于激情、有血有肉的小说,让人感到与其说是惊喜交加还不如说是心潮澎湃。
After more than a year of experiments on various crystals, Zhou and his colleagues discovered that sapphire could achieve just that. 经过一年多实验,试过多种晶体后,周崇武和同事发现蓝宝石有这种功能。
After more than a year, these local rules change stably, has provided the physical resource and the military strength for the afterwards Northern Expedition. 一年多后,这些地区的统治得以稳固,为后来的北伐提供了物力和兵力。
After more than doubling in 2006 and setting new highs in January, the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets fell for five straight days after January 30th, losing 11% and 8% respectively before bouncing back a bit on February 6th. 在2006年增长超过一倍,并在今年一月份达到新高之后,沪深市场在1月30日后连续5天下跌,跌幅分别为11%和8%,至2月6日止开始小幅反弹。
After more than half a year of painstaking research, I have definitively proven that Pui Pui the crocodile has nothing whatsoever to do with Crocodile Garments (Hong Kong Stock Exchange 0122). 经过过半年的、高度严谨的研究,我得出了无可置疑的结论:鳄鱼贝贝与鳄鱼恤(香港交易所0122)一点关系都没有。
After more than one hour hiking, we had already been very sweaty, because most of the routes were steep, too tired for hiking. 走了大概一个多小时,我们已经满身大汗了,因为许多路段都很陡峭,走起来非常辛苦。
After more than ten years efforts, now we have developed into a large scale professional manufacturer specializing in designing, developing and producing promotional bags, fashion bags, handbags, cosmetic bags, trolley bags, luggage, pouches, purses and w 经过十多年的努力,现在我们已经发展成为一家专业设计生产各式礼品包,时装包,手提袋,化装包,拉杆箱,行李包,票夹和钱包等的生产厂家。
After more than three hours on the loose, Uschi was brought down by tranquilliser darts, without harming her unborn calf, fire services spokesman Martin Argendorf said on Tuesday. 当地消防部门的发言人马丁阿尔根多夫于4月24日表示,3个多小时后人们终于使用带有镇静剂的飞镖令乌斯奇束手就擒,而其腹中尚未出生的小牛在此过程中则毫发无损。
After more than two and a half years of physical therapy and electronic stimulation, stroke victim Mike Marin still couldn't open a door with his left hand. 中风患者迈克马林在接受超过二年半的理疗及电刺激治疗后,仍无法用左手开门。
After more than two hours in the chocolate, does he still have a taste for it?Not so much anymore,Garcia said. 在身陷巧克力两个多小时之后,加西亚还有胃口吃巧克力么?他说:“再不要像这样多了!”
After morning exercises, the classes went to their respective rooms. 早操后,各班学生回到各自的教室。

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