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Assist Sales representative to provide good customer support.

Assist Internal Controller in regional PQC report finalization. 协助内控经理完成PQC调查报告。
Assist PM for improving reliability of project cost estimate. 负责项目的成本分析和成本控制.
Assist Quality Engineers in resolving customer complaints. 协助其他同事处理客户投诉。
Assist RRFC in promoting major gifts and bequest commitments at Zone Institutes, PETS, Foundation Seminars, and other Rotary trainings and events as requested. 于地带研习会、社长当选人研习会、扶轮基金研习会以及其他扶轮训练与活动内,若需要的话要去协助地域扶轮基金协调人推广巨额捐献及遗赠会的承诺。
Assist Sales Force Effectiveness Manager and work closely with BT to ensure CRM and TIE project implements effectively. 其它销售效率经理安排的工作任务,以帮助提高销售队伍的有效性。.
Assist Sales representative to provide good customer support. 协助销售代表做好客户服务工作。
Assist accountant to do relevant work of taxation. 协助主管会计做相关税务工作.
Assist board in assessing the independence of the external auditor. 协助董事会评估外部审计师的独立性。
Assist chief instructor to flight teaching management . 协助主任教员进行教学管理工作。
Assist client to sitting position. 协助病人起坐。
Assist complete TQM system with Director. 配合总监完成总部的管理者质量检查系统。

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