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A region characterized by rainfall under10 inches(25cm) per year.

A refusal to comply with or satisfy a request. 拒绝拒绝遵守或满足一项要求
A refusal to do so could further fuel claims of Microsoft's hypocrisy. 但是一旦拒绝则会进一步证实微软的两面派嘴脸。
A refusal to grant the truth of a statement or allegation; a contradiction. 否认拒绝承认某陈述或主张的真实性;反对
A region and former country of northern Europe on the Baltic Sea. 拉脱维亚:北欧波罗的海沿岸一地区和从前的国家。
A region and former duchy of central Germany north and east of the Main and Rhine rivers. The region became a duchy in1806 and was absorbed by Prussia in1866. Members of the original dynasty subsequently ruled Luxembourg and the Netherlands(as the house o 拿骚一个地区,从前为中德的领地,位于美因河和莱茵河的北部和东部。该地区在1806年成为领地并于1866年被普鲁士接收。原先的王朝成员相继统治了卢森堡和荷兰(作为奥兰治的王室)
A region characterized by rainfall under10 inches(25cm) per year. 以年降雨量不足10英寸(25厘米)为特征的地区。
A region despoiled of its scenic beauty by unchecked development. 由于不加限制的发展而使这个地区丧失了其美丽景色
A region lying beyond the suburbs of a city, especially one inhabited principally by wealthy people. 城市远郊富裕阶层住宅区城市远郊区,尤其主要为富人所居住
A region of atmospheric pressure that is below normal. 低气压区大气压低于正常值的地区
A region of eastern India and Bangladesh. It was a province of India until1947, when the eastern part became East Pakistan, and later(1971) Bangladesh, and the western section was included in independent India. 孟加拉印度和孟加拉国东部地区。1947年前为印度的一个省,同年其东部成为东巴基斯坦,后成为孟加拉国(1971年),其西部属于独立的印度
A region of northeast China comprising the modern-day provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Liaoning. It was the homeland of the Manchu people who conquered China in the 17th century. 满洲里:中国东北部的一片区域,包括现在的黑龙江省、吉林省和辽宁省,它是17世纪统治中国的满族人的故土。

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