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I've got so fat that I'll have to let the waistband out several inches.

I've got one brother, not two. 我有一个兄弟,不是两个。
I've got out of the habit of having a cooked breakfast. 我已不再保持早餐吃热食的习惯.
I've got piles of work to do today. 我今天有大量工作要做。
I've got sick since I got here. 打从我来到此地就一直在生病。
I've got sixty shares in the company, but that's small beer compared with his a hundred thousand. 我在公司中持有60股,与他的10万股相比,实在是微不足道。
I've got so fat that I'll have to let the waistband out several inches. 我太胖了,我将不得不把我的腰带放出几英寸。
I've got so many jobs to do today. 今天我有这么多活要干.
I've got some coffee.Please get me some cube sugar.- 我自己有咖啡,请拿几块方糖来。
I've got strength of the soul. 我的灵魂充满了力量。
I've got that new job buttoned up and I'll finish it well on time. 我已把那新任务安排好了,我将按时完成。
I've got the jitters about my driving test. 我对我的驾驶考试胆颤心惊。

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