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Often, grieving people are expected to bounce back within a year,…

Often, a navigation request (originating with the user) will spawn a number of flow-of-control requests. 经常,一个导航请求(由用户发起)将产生许多控制流请求。
Often, a result is compared with a limiting value defined in a specification or regulation. 通常,一个结果要与标准或者规定中的一个设定限值相比较。
Often, as people march through the city at a frantic pace, they are unaware that their feet tread the same streets as those pioneers who lived here long ago. 当人们迈著匆忙的步履,往往无意间与先人的脚步交叠在相同的街道和空间中。
Often, but depending on technical conditions, rigid pricing pays off. 但他们往往依赖于技术条件,靠固定的价格来赢利。
Often, despite our best attempts to provide a good diet, sunlight, exercise, and calcium supplementation, our tortoises end up slightly pyramided, and until recently, we weren't exactly sure why. 龟已经有半严重的隆背现象,尽管我知道饲养者提供了这只龟龟“最好“的低蛋白食物。
Often, grieving people are expected to bounce back within a year,… 通常哀伤的人会在一年内恢复过来,...
Often, interesting creative links result. 通常有趣的创意能带来好的结果。
Often, little in the way of independent thought is brought to bear on the “burgers plus big companies equals bad” style of arithmetic. 通常情况下,很少有人会好好思考“汉堡包+大型企业=运作不良”的算术方式。
Often, little in the way ofindependent thought is brought to bear on the “burgers plus bigcompanies equals bad” style of arithmetic. 通常情况下,很少有人会好好思考“汉堡包+大型企业=不好”的算术方式。
Often, manufacturers donate chocolate that is nearing its use-by date, and committee members have been known to hide it aroud campus for a grand treasure hunt. 巧克力厂商常常捐赠一些即将过期的巧克力,委员会成员们就把它们分别藏在校园的各个角落里,开展一场大规模“寻宝”活动。
Often, one must help people to recover from severe water and food shortages by providing new crops and livestock while setting up irrigation projects, as we are doing right now with the support of the government and international donors in Niger. 要想帮助人们从严重缺水和粮食短缺中恢复过来往往需要在制定灌溉项目的同时提供新的作物和牲畜,正如我们目前在政府和国际捐助方支持下在尼日尔开展的工作。

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