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Jesus is saying that the teaching of the true gospel is not to patch up a weakness or hole in a man's clothing which in the parable stands for his covering for sin or his old religion.

Jesus is always called the Son of Godin the Bible, and never God the Son. 在圣经里耶稣始终被称为“神的儿子”,但从未被称呼“圣子”。
Jesus is brought in front of him for the first of six trials. 耶稣被带到他的面前是六次审判中的第一次审讯.
Jesus is coming to claim his kingdom. 耶稣要回来统治他的国。
Jesus is now sitting at the right hand of God (Hebrews 10:12). He is alive for evermore (Revelation 1:18). He is our mediator, and presents our prayers to our Heavenly Father. 耶稣现在正坐在神的右边(希伯来书10:12)。他是永生的(启示录1:18)。他是我们的中保,代表我们向天上的父祈祷。
Jesus is one of the examples. 像耶稣就是一个这样的例子嘛。
Jesus is saying that the teaching of the true gospel is not to patch up a weakness or hole in a man's clothing which in the parable stands for his covering for sin or his old religion. 耶稣说真正的福音的教训并不是用来缝补一个人衣服上的破洞的,衣服在这个比喻中喻表遮盖罪的或是一个人旧的信仰。
Jesus is saying, unless the church is fruitful, it's not doing its job. 耶稣要说的是:除非教会结丰盛的果实,否则教会就是做虚工。
Jesus is the source of pure water. 耶稣是净水之源。
Jesus knew what they were thinking and asked, Why are you thinking these things in your hearts? 22耶稣知道他们所议论的,就说,你们心里议论的是什么呢?
Jesus left that place and went to the vicinity of Tyre. 24耶稣从那里起身,往推罗西顿的境内去。
Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings. 1耶稣出了圣殿,正走的时候,门徒进前来,把殿宇指给他看。

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