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The ghost has been laid and will not return to haunt you again.

The getrandmax() function returns the maximum random number that can be returned by a call to the rand() function. 函数的作用是:显示所有随机数中出现的最大可能值。
The gettimeofday() function returns an array that contains current time information. 函数的作用是:以一个数组的形式返回当前时间。
The getting of treasures by a lying tongue Is a fleeting vapor, a snare of death. 6用说谎之舌所得的财富,乃是飘浮的空气,死亡的网罗。
The ghetto wanted legitimation . That was a beginning . 黑人区需要取得合法的地位,这只是一个开始。
The ghetto was at least no longer content with its status as * child of urban America . 黑人区至少已经不再满足于自己作为美国城市私生子的身份。
The ghost has been laid and will not return to haunt you again. 那鬼魂已经祛除,不会再回来缠著你了。
The ghost of Lady Margaret is supposed to haunt this chapel. 据说玛格丽特女士的鬼魂常在这个礼拜堂出没.
The ghost of a smile (ie a very faint smile) played round her lips. 她嘴角上露著一丝微笑.
The ghost story frightened the child. 这个鬼怪故事使孩子十分惊恐。
The giant Pacific octopus grows bigger and lives longer than any other octopus species. 这种巨型太平洋章鱼比其它任何一种章鱼体型大,寿命大。
The giant banner, called Team Move, is 600 sq m and was put up by official sponsors adidas. 这幅巨型海报名称叫做“勇往直前的团队”,它有600平方米,是由阿迪达斯官方负责制作的。

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