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We're not scheduling, but we're tentatively looking at possibly next weekend,Yankees manager Joe Torre said.

We're hopeful that something will come out of it,Holloway told CNN. “我们希望这个事情会有个了结。”戴夫·何洛威这样对美国有线新闻网说。
We're hot rod builders, dirt bike riders, bicycling enthusiasts, and we love all kind of sports, with or without machines, with or without electronics. 「我们是管材玩家、土坡车骑士、单车狂热份子,我们喜好任何运动,不管有没有机械装置、需要或不需要电,我们喜爱健康的人。
We're in a good position and we're really pleased with that but the job is only half done. “我们处于很好的形势,我们真的很为此高兴,但是工作只完成了一半。
We're not going into the detail, but there's definitely no surprises,a police spokesperson said. “我们还不很了解细节,但这里绝对没有隐情。”一名警察发言人说。
We're not really close on anything right now,he said. Nothing's imminent. “我们现在没有任何接近成交的交易,”他说,”没有大限前紧迫的交易。”
We're not scheduling, but we're tentatively looking at possibly next weekend,Yankees manager Joe Torre said. 托瑞说‵我们没有时间表,只是暂时假定可能的日期。
We're not seeking sympathy. We're only interested in winning. No-one should feel sorry for us. 我们没寻找同情。我们对赢只感兴趣。没有人能为我们惋惜。
We're not sure why, but there 's evidence it increases alertness,he says. 他说:“我们目前并不知道其原因何在,但有明显证据表明这样可以提高孩子的敏捷程度”。
We're only looking at a figure for customization somewhere in the 200 range. “我们只考虑一个大概在200射程用户化的数据。”
We're playing the way we want to at the moment because it's only the start of the season. “现在我们以自己需要的方式踢球,因为赛季才刚开始。”
We're really going to the people who know this world best to ensure that level of authenticity,he said. 他说:“我们将向高手行家们请教,以确保每个场景都能够原汁原味。”

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