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The author argues, besides the fundamental management and evaluation of the reliability for Guangzhou metro power equipment, people shall step by step, adopt technology of monitoring and diagnose, set up Computer Maintenance System (CMMS), increase the ra

The author argues that communication cost is determined by tacit knowledge of entrepreneurship, and the subjective endowment difference between the entrepreneur and other factor owners, and communication cost is a key factor for the probability of a new f 文章认为沟通成本由企业家精神所依赖的意会性知识以及企业家与要素所有者的主观素质差异所决定,沟通成本的大小是决定新企业成功创建和企业初始资本结构的一个关键因素。
The author argues that firstly, a circumjacent perspective can change the self-recognition of China in the times of self-conceit or westernization; secondly, to study and criticize overseas Sinology and to pinpoint the differences between the researchers 作者尝试提出:第一,从周边看中国,可以改变过去以自我为中心想象天下的时代和以西方为唯一镜子的时代的中国自我认识;第二,通过对海外中国学的批评和研究,了解他们与中国本土研究者在方法和思路上的差异,可以明确中国文史研究的问题意识和自觉立场;第三,提倡交错的文化史研究,可以避免研究领域和研究资料的偏狭。
The author argues that the model can be used to calculate the longitudinal force caused by the temperature or the load acting on one of the double railway tracks, as well as the braking force and the breakage force. 此模型可计算温度的影响,探究双线桥梁上的单线荷载作用下的挠曲力、制动力和单轨断裂时的断轨力。
The author argues that the new controller, after the test of emulation, can achieve higher level control precision, better speed tracking performance and higher running safety, therefore, the multi-variability fuzzy policy is one of the best control tacti 经仿真试验验证,该控制方法控制精度高、速度跟踪性能好、运行安全性高,是一种性能最佳的控制策略。
The author argues that there exists no critical conflicts of vital interests between the two states in the short term; in the long ran, it is strategically important and in their interests to avoid confrontation and strengthen cooperation; meanwhile, the 从近期来看,中美两国在各自的核心利益上并不存在根本冲突;从长远来看,中美两国避免冲突、加强合作符合各自的国家利益;同时,国际政治中权力本质的变化也将改变国际体系中权力分配的变动必然导致大国之间发生冲突的传统认识;另外,外交可以发挥重要的作用,以和平方式促进两国各自的国家利益。
The author argues, besides the fundamental management and evaluation of the reliability for Guangzhou metro power equipment, people shall step by step, adopt technology of monitoring and diagnose, set up Computer Maintenance System (CMMS), increase the ra 除做好基础管理工作和以可靠性为中心对设备进行评估外,还需尽可能采用监测与诊断技术,利用现代计算机技术,建立强大实用的计算机维修管理系统,逐步在供电设备增加状态检修的实施範围,最终达到全部供电设备实施状态检修。
The author attempts to affirm the general relation between economic growth and structural change according to a series of data promulgated by Fortune from 1995 to 2004, inspects the general standard and trend of economic development by the comparative res 摘要笔者通过采用1995年度到2004年度《财富》世界500强若干产业的横截面数据和时间序列数据,从统计分析上确认了经济增长与结构变化之间的某些普通联系,考察了产业结构演进的一般标准形式和共同演化趋势,揭示了世界500强的产业变动特点,并对影响产业变动的因素进行了探讨。
The author attempts to analyse the discursive formation of this book and the Mumfordian humanist discourse. 作者指出《历史中的城市》是英美人文主义建筑论述中的建筑史,伸展进都市史这个新学域中具里程碑意义的著作。
The author attempts to introduce the competitive intelligence into urban development system, and explains the role of competitive intelligence in urban development orientation. 作者将竞争情报理论纳入到城市发展的体系,并阐述竞争情报在中小城市发展定位中的作用。
The author believe if he write a good book he will finally hit pay dirt. 这位作者相信,如果他写一本好书,他终会找到财源。
The author believe that the milk powder manufacturers will be in the suituation of the strong one is going to be stronger, and the market will tend to be oligarch. 笔者也相信奶粉市场的生产企业也会走向强者愈强,市场趋于寡头的结局。

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