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After 20 extraordinary years,her campaign to make Egypt the superpower of the ancient world has failed.

After 1949, he concentrated mainly on literary research. 1949年后,他主要从事文学研究工作。
After 1949, the primary education started to popularize, the higher education develop fastly. 1949年后,初等教育开始普及,高等教育得到快速发展。
After 1956, when the country gained independence, the south, which is Christian and animist, was in an almost permanent state of rebellion against the Muslim Arab north, demanding a bigger share of the national wealth and a greater degree of self-rule. 自1956年苏丹独立之后,南部就是基督教信众与动物保护主义者的天下,他们要求占有更大份额的国家财富以及更大的自治度。
After 1978, China's education from the Cultural Revolutionof the stalled, and began to restore and progressive development; Almost the same period (1982-1994) in the United States spread of the rapid development of industry, employment grew by 40%, News a 1978年后,中国教育事业摆脱“文革”间的停顿状态,开始恢复并逐渐发展;几乎同期(1982-1994年)在美国传播业迅速发展,就业人数增长了40%,也促进了新闻教育的发展。
After 2 months of aggressive pulmonary rehabilitation exercise and sepsis treatment, the MIP reached -38 cmH2O. 经过两个月积极的肺部复原运动及治疗败血症,最大吸气压力到达负38公分水柱。
After 20 extraordinary years,her campaign to make Egypt the superpower of the ancient world has failed. 经过二十年艰苦卓绝的努力,她想使埃及成为古代世界的超强国家的战役失败了。
After 20 min reperfusion, several indexes including cardiac function indexes, MDA were tested, the myocardial ultrastr-ucture and the injury reaction of catalase observed. 再灌结束后,分别测定心功能、心肌丙二醛含量,观察心肌超微结构、过氧化氢酶损伤性反应。
After 20 more years he is called again, this time there is a new abbot:You've got two words.and he says: I quit. 之后20年又过去了,他又被住持叫去,这次住持已换人了,他说『你可以说两个字.』而他说:『还俗.』
After 20 years he is summoned to the abbot who says: After being here for twenty years you are allowed to say two words.Our friend answers: Bad food. 20年过后,主持把他叫去对他说:『你在这里已经待了20年,你可以说两个字.』他说:『难吃.』
After 20 years of development, Tianjin Eco-Tech Development Area has displayed its tremendous potential. 经过二十年的发展,天津开发区已经显现出了巨大的潜力。
After 20 years, I ongoing technology companies for new, advanced equipment to improve, the industry absorb professional and technical personnel to the quality of development to survive credibility, and the after-sale services to our customers and won nume 历经20多年,我公司不断进行技术策新,改进先进机器设备,吸收本行业专业技术人才,以质量求发展,以信誉求生存,并以诚挚的售后服务赢得众多客户及业内人士的好评,本厂现有职工70余名,专业技术人员、热处理专家数名,固定资产300万元,年产值达800余万元。

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