Preying Behavior of Spotted Woodpecker.
大斑啄木鸟取食行为的研究 |
Price Recording for Donated Foreign Books
国际赠书个别登录的价格确定 |
Pricing the Fixed-Rate-Mortgage Contracts- Limitting on Payment-dates to Prepay or Default
固定支付利率的抵押贷款定价理论——限于在支付日提前支付或违约 |
Pricky star-like cupric oxide with submicrometer sizes was successfully synthesized by the hydrothermal route using methenamine as precipitant in the presence of cationic gemini surfactant [CH (CH )N+(CH)N+(CH )CH ]·Br- (--).
在阳离子gemini表面活性剂[CH (CH )N+(CH)N+(CH )CH ]·Br-(--)存在条件下,以六次甲基四胺为沉淀剂,利用水热合成法制备了大量多刺状星形亚微米级氧化铜. |
Primary Carcinoma of the Ureter: A Report of 8 Cases
原发性输尿管癌8例报告 |
Primary Carcinoma of the Ureter:Pathologic Study of Cases
原发性输尿管癌(例病理分析) |
Primary Report of Coffea arabica,Catimor (F ,F)Series Variety on Plant Experimentally
外引小粒种咖啡Catimor(F_ 、F_)系列品种试种研究初报 |
Primary Study on Sulfur Capture in Coal Briquet Combustion by Fe O Promoting.
Fe_O_ 对型煤固硫作用的机理探讨 |
Primary Study on System of Interieukin- and Interleukin- Receptor of Sjogren's Syndrome
Sjgren综合征的白细胞介素及其受体系统的初步研究 |
Primary amenorrhea in a woman with a cryptic complex chromosome rearrangement involving the critical regions Xp. and Xq
原发性闭经妇女伴有关键区域Xp.和Xq的隐性复杂染色体重排 |
Primary oocyte develops in the coelom.
自初级卵母细胞开始,卵细胞在体腔中发育。 |