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Drawing on private conversations, personal recollections, diaries and letters, Paul has written an extraordinary account of a unique time in the history of the Royal Family.

Drawing maps porperly, he gets a high mark. 因为)图画得比较好,(所以)他得到高分。
Drawing modes are binary raster-operation codes representing all possible Boolean combinations of two variables, using the binary operators AND, OR, and XOR (exclusive OR), and the unary operation NOT. 绘图模式是二进制的光栅操作代码,使用二元操作符AND,OR和XOR,以及一元操作符NOT,表达了两个变量所有可能的布尔组合。
Drawing of the oral cavity teeth provides base for computer aided orthodontia. 口腔牙齿的描绘为口腔辅助正畸系统建立提供基础。
Drawing on HKUST's strengths, FYTGS will develop into a prominent research and education base for the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, pushing economic growth and technological advancement in the region, expanding outreach to industry, and fostering knowle 凭借香港科技大学的实力和优势,研究院将努力发展成为珠三角地区的重点科研及教育基地,以推动地区经济的发展,提升技术水平,扩大产业影响力,同时促进香港与内地之间的学术交流。
Drawing on HKUST's strengths, the HKUST Fok Ying Tung Research Institute will develop into a prominent research and education base for the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, pushing economic growth and technological advancement in the region, expanding outre 凭借香港科技大学的实力和优势,研究院将努力发展成为珠三角地区的重点科研及教育基地,以推动地区经济的发展,提升技术水平,扩大产业影响力,同时促进香港与内地之间的学术交流。
Drawing on private conversations, personal recollections, diaries and letters, Paul has written an extraordinary account of a unique time in the history of the Royal Family. 在私人交谈、个人收藏、日记和信件中,保罗写下了大量皇室历史上这一非同寻常时期的资料。
Drawing on relevant literature, we argue that the use of a particular influence strategy by an individual is likely to be related to three classes of antecedents: source, target, and contextual characteristics. 经由过去相关之文献,本研究认为个体运用特定影响策略可能与三类前因因素有关:主体、客观,以及系络之特徵。
Drawing on that experience as well as their intellectual rigor, they have produced some of the most influential business research in the world, and they write by far the greatest number of cases used in business classrooms around the globe. 就像使用他们自己的智力那样严密,这些教授们利用他们的经历进行了一些在世界上最有影响力的商业研究,并且到目前为止,他们是世界上写出最多能在商业课堂上使用的案例的一批人。
Drawing on the European experience, the most important foundation is an acceptance by each major power of the overriding importance of keeping the peace, and a consequent willingness scrupulously to respect the interests, institutions and values of all th 依照欧洲的经验,最重要的基础就是每个大国都认可维持和平高于一切,并随之愿意认真尊重其他所有人的利益、制度以及价值观。
Drawing on the artistic resources of the Shanghai Conservatory, the rich cultural offerings of Shanghai as well as the extensive network enjoyed by the Arts Administration Department, students are given numerous opportunities to pursue practical training 依托上音雄厚的艺术资源、上海市浓郁的文化氛围以及本系广泛的社会联系和专家网络,本系的学生有着内容丰富形式多样的艺术管理实践机会。
Drawing on the details of Alexandria's ancient maps, archeology and modern underwater survey data, she can now send the information to a team of computer graphics specialists. 她现在可以把绘制的十分详尽的亚历山大的古代地图和考古学和现代水下测量数据这些信息提供给计算机绘图专家组。

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