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I really enjoyed getting to know him better.

I really enjoy being with you! 跟你在一起,我真的很快乐!
I really enjoy getting comments on my web-page. 我喜欢人家在我的网页上留言。
I really enjoy talking to you. 我对这本书很感兴趣。
I really enjoy the feeling of shareing real me?with friends, no matter good or bad, happpy or unhappy. 其实很喜欢和大家分享真实的自己,不管是好的,不好的,开心的,不开心的。
I really enjoy the time that we are working together. 我很喜欢和你一起工作.
I really enjoyed getting to know him better. 我真的很庆幸能认识他。
I really enjoyed practicing taiji and attending the classes, gradually becoming more and more involved. 从那时起,陈瑜老师他卓越的太极拳水平和充满吸引力的个性就给我留下了深刻的印象。
I really enjoyed the supply and demand theory and national income accounting. 我对供给与需求理论,国家收支账户很感兴趣。
I really enjoyed this meal. 这顿饭真的吃得很开心。
I really fail to understand what actuated you to give up such a promising post so hastily. 我真不明白,什么原因使你这么匆匆忙忙地放弃了这样一个很有前途的职位。
I really fail to understand what actuated you to give up such a promising post so hastily. 我真不明白,什么原因使你这么匆匆忙忙地放弃了这样一个很有前途的职位。

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