He has conned the poems by rote.
他已经把这诗歌背下来了。 |
He has considerable business interests.
他有很多企业股份. |
He has conspired against me like the rest, and they are but birds of a feather.
他和其余的人一样阴谋同我作对,他们是一丘之貉。 |
He has constancy of purpose.
他有坚定不移的目标。 |
He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.
他在公海上俘虏我们的同胞,强迫他们拿起武器来反对自己的国家,成为残杀自己亲人和朋友的创子手,或是死于自己的亲人和朋友的手下。 |
He has contagious laughter.
他有着容易感染人的笑声。 |
He has continual arguments with his father.
他屡次跟他父亲争论。 |
He has converted from Catholicism to Judaism .
他已从天主教改信犹太教。 |
He has converted from Catholicism to Judaism.
他已从天主教改信犹太教。 |
He has converted to Christianity.
他皈依了基督教。 |
He has created a new C$100-a-month ($88) payment for child care and brought in a bill to crack down on street crime.
他开创了为儿童的照料月付100加元(88美金)的补贴,同时制定了法案来降低街头犯罪率。 |