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I put his bad temper down to his recent mood of frustration.

I put her in bed, and there was such a beautiful smile on her face. 我将她放在床上,看到她的脸上绽露出如此美丽的微笑。
I put her in the top rank of modern novelists. 我把她看做是当代第一流的小说家。
I put him down as a retired naval officer. 我看他是个退役的海军军官.
I put him on the pot before a whole audience, and he didn't dance a single step! 当着那么多人的面儿,我把它放在那个茶壶上面,可它根本就不会跳舞!”
I put his bad temper down to having had an unhappy childhood. 我认为他脾气坏源自不幸的童年。
I put his bad temper down to his recent mood of frustration. 我把他的坏脾气归因于他近来沮丧的情绪。
I put it all down to her hard work and initiative. 我把这一切归因于她工作又勤奋又主动。
I put it down on paper and then the ghost does not ache so much. 我把它写在纸上,然后心里的幽灵就不那么疼了。
I put it in the left-hand drawer. 我将它放在左手的抽屉内。
I put it into the cupboard or somewhere. 我把它放在橱柜里或者什么地方了。
I put it round my neck, and tears came to my eyes. 我把它挂在颈上,泪水涌上我的眼睛。

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