Experts say the project will have to deal with dry conditions, poor soil quality and other realities of farming in Southern Africa.
专家认为该项目要解决南非的干旱情况,土地贫瘠和其他农业实际。 |
Experts say the varroa mite is at least partly responsible for the earlier decrease in honeybees.
专家称瓦螨至少对早期蜜蜂数量减少有关。 |
Experts say they predict a 35% increase in hybrid sales this year over 2006.
专家说他们预计今年混合动力汽车销售量将比2006上升35%。 |
Experts say young sheep having small lambs may explain why young mothers have underweight babies.
专家说,幼小的羊有小的小羊可能解释年轻的母亲为什麽有重量不足婴儿。 |
Experts say, observation statistics and researches of 13 years show that the frequency of acid rain in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and part of Henan province has increased by over 20% to 50% ever since 2003, with a more noticeable acidification tendency
专家介绍,13年来的观测数据和研究资料显示,2003年以来,包括北京在内的京津冀地区及河南部分地区的酸雨发生频率增加了20%到50%以上,而北京的雨水酸化趋势更是明显,并出现了强酸雨。 |
Experts say: the system can easily switch into a high, efficient gear.
专家说,汗腺系统也会换到更高、更有效率的排档。 |
Experts still do not know precisely how the virus affects the liver or why it causes the level of blood-clotting platelets in the bloodstream to decline.
专家仍然不能确切的了解这种病毒是如何影响肝脏或为什么它会导致血液中的血小板凝结度降低。 |
Experts told the Chuson newspaper that the developments reflect widespread jitters over the October 9 test, with many people seeking solace in sex.
有关专家在接受《朝鲜日报》的采访时说,这一现象说明,人们对朝鲜10月9日的核试验感到不安,所以很多人在激情中寻找安慰。 |
Experts vouch for the painting's authenticity.
由专家确认该画是否为真迹. |
Experts warned that irrational family pla ing would result in a shortage of social resources.
专家警告,缺乏理性的生育计划会导致社会资源紧缺。 |
Experts warned that irrational family planning would result in a shortage of social resources.
专家警告,缺乏理性的生育计划会导致社会资源紧缺。 |