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Instead, the San Marino Grand Prix is held 100km north in Italy.

Instead, sporadic labor shortages started to appear in 2003 at factories in the Pearl River delta of southeastern China. 但零星的劳力短缺,2003年开始在中国东南部的珠江三角洲工厂出现。
Instead, take them up as clues to how you can improve. 其实,不妨把它们视为你如何改进的线索。
Instead, the 44-year-old chose to spend the time bonding with old friends and making some new ones, with a few of those legendary workouts also on the planner. 取而代之的,这位44岁的老将选择花点时间和他的老朋友聚聚,顺便也交交新朋友,也做些训练。
Instead, the Bank of Thailand is more worried about excessive domestic liquidity. 泰国央行真正忧虑的是国内流动性过盛的问题。
Instead, the Litvinenko case has revealed a gaping cultural and political divide between the two countries. 相反,利特维年科事件揭示了两国在文化和政治上的差异。
Instead, the San Marino Grand Prix is held 100km north in Italy. 相反的,圣马利诺一级方程式赛车赛实际上是在一百公里外的义大利北部举行的。
Instead, the assignment is to find anyone with evil intent. 相反的,任务是找寻任何带有恶意的人。
Instead, the ban could kill growing interest in the futures market, as dealers fear that more food commodities may be added to the blacklist. 相反,由于交易商担心适用范围的进一步扩大,禁令将会扼杀印度的新兴期货市场。
Instead, the bank would “remain pragmatic” and react to “facts and figures”. 相反,该行将“保持务实的作风”,并根据“事实和数据”作出反应。
Instead, the best strategy is to use the agent as a kind of tip service to keep abreast of jobs in a particular database; when you get E-mail, consider it a reminder to check the database again. 翻译:它的特点是互动,允许访问者自定求职要求诸如工作地点、职位和薪水,当资料库里出现与个人要求相匹配的工作岗位时它就会通过电子邮件通知求职者。
Instead, the character of Mary was split into tw Mary the mother of Jesus, believed to be a virgin, and Mary Magdalene, believed to be a woman of ill repute. 事实上,玛丽亚这个人物被分成两部分:耶稣的母亲玛利亚被认为是一个处女;玛丽亚抹大拉被认为是一个坏名声的女人。

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