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The beak of a bird acts as a shovel.

The beaches were dotted with people. (沙滩上到处是人。)
The beaches were great, but the service at the resort was disappointing. 海滩真不错,但是度假村的服务令人失望。
The beacon is fluctuated very badly. 导航台摆动得很厉害。
The bead could, for instance, contain five different sizes of dots, or five colors, in a variety of concentrations. 譬如说,珠粒中含有五种不同大小的量子点(或说五种颜色的量子点),浓度各不相同。
The bead is put on the forehead of the dead shepherd ahead of the herd. 珠子被戴在牧群前面的死牧羊人的前额上.
The beak of a bird acts as a shovel. 鸟喙产生的作用就像铁锹。
The beaked creature weighed about 1.5 tons (1.4 metric tons) and is the biggest toothless dinosaur found to date. 这只鸟嘴生物重1.5吨(1.4公吨),是目前发现的最大的无齿恐龙.
The beam division method in maskless laser interference photolithography can be divided into wave-front division and amplitude division. 摘要无掩模激光干涉光刻中的分束方法一般有波前分割和振幅分割。
The beam from KEK carries higher-energy neutrinos, which can be spotted easily even with the surviving tubes spread more sparsely across the detector. KEK产生的射束带有较高能的微中子,所以即使是只用幸存但散布较疏的光电管,也仍可轻易将之侦测出来。
The beam from a flashlight showed a beggar sleeping at his doorstep. 手电筒的光照出一个睡在他家门口的乞丐。
The beam has a thickness of 3 inches. 这根梁厚3英寸。

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