SAAHF Founding Board Members who represented the American Volunteer Group, the China National Aviation Corporation (CNAC), the14th Air Force and the 1st Air Commando Group participated in a symposium that explored the accomplishment of American and Chines
美中航空历史遗产基金会的海外成员代表美国航空志愿队(飞虎队)、中国航空公司、飞虎十四航空队和第一空军突击队参加了在中缅印战区战斗的中美两军成就探讨的讨论会。 |
SABRE: Statistical Analysis Backend Resource Extension, is designed to add a statistical analysis package ,written entirely in SQL (of various flavors), to a new or existing database.
是完全用SQL开发的可向一个新数据或现存数据库中添加统计分析包的软件。 |
SABU3000 is Actual operation of TELINK'S Advanced Touch Screen panel will helf You Achieve the Perfect Swing of the PROS.
您可以比较与世界最有名的Pro选手的标准挥杆动作和姿势。 |
SACHEM is a global chemical company with over 50 years of experience in the supply of high-purity and precision chemical products and services to the electronics, catalyst, polymer, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, paper and energy markets.
主要经营范围:电子产品,催化剂,聚合物,药品生物技术和能源装置市场提供高纯度和精密化工产品及服务。 |
SACRAMENTO - City leaders reached a deal Thursday to build a new downtown arena for the Sacramento Kings, using a quarter-cent sales tax that would require voter approval in November.
萨克拉门托--市领导周四达成为国王队在市中心建设一座新场馆的协议,其使用25%营业税必须在11月份得到投票人的通过。 |
SACRAMENTO, CALIF. – The Kings have excused Ron Artest indefinitely from any further participation with the team due to his arrest today for domestic violence.
萨克拉曼多,加州报道:野兽(阿泰斯特)以为家庭暴力被捕,目前国王队已经暂时取消了野兽(阿泰斯特)的随队资格,并在进一步收集更多的有效的证据,以便做出下一步决定。 |
SACSC covers a total area of 20000 square meters and has 25000 square meters for building.
工厂占地面积20000平方米,厂区建筑面积25000平方米。 |
SAE 8000 - Not irritating but not involving, either. Too much background noise.
74 SAE 8000既不恼人也不喜人,但总是有太多的背景噪音。 |
SAFEHIP? is also available in a design for medium to high incontinence.
安全臀部护裤也有一设计提供给中~重度的尿失禁患者。 |
SAGA believes the power and future of IC,understands the evolvement from exchanging to electronic money and truly value of smart card,and is trying to make them more profundity ,much easier and more widely to our life.
化挑战是:承认集成电路的能量和前途,理解从实物交换到电子货币结算的演变,理解智能卡的真正价值,并使它更深刻更普遍地优化我们的生活。 |
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21) Help children complete projects they re having difficulty with.
射手:帮助孩子们完成他们很难解决的问题。 |