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The optimum geometric parameters, which could improve the pantograph performance, could be obtained successfully.

The optimizing problems of nonlinear functions are discussed. 摘要研究非线性函数的优化问题。
The optimum condition of sample microwave digestion can be obtained by studying emphatically a new sample digestion method -sample microwave digestion, compared with experimentation, this method not only has the advantages of convenient, quick and safe op 着重研究一种新的样品消解方法-微波溶样,得出微波溶样过程的最佳条件,经实验对比,此法不仅方便、快捷、操作安全、时环境污染小、可以同时消解十几个样品,而且有着满意的准确度和灵敏度。
The optimum conditions (enzyme source, enzyme concentration, acid, acid concentration, reaction medium and reaction temperature, et al) were screened out. 对脂肪酶酶源、脂肪酶浓度、羧酸、羧酸浓度、温度、溶剂等反应条件进行筛选。
The optimum design is the essential purpose of engineering studies. 工程研究的根本目的是要达到最优设计。
The optimum fertilization rate, population density and variety in these experiments have recommended to farmers. 已将试验所得最佳施肥量、种植密度和品种推荐给农民。
The optimum geometric parameters, which could improve the pantograph performance, could be obtained successfully. 并运用虚拟样机技术对弓头升弓轨迹、升弓转矩和平衡杆摆动角度等优化所得参数进行了仿真验证。
The optimum glazing spacing for thermal insulation is about 15-20mm. 对于保温隔热来讲,最适宜的玻璃间距是15-20毫米。
The optimum nitrogen level was about 150 kg/ha for japonica varieties and 180 kg/ha for indica-japonica cross varieties. 粳稻品种的最优施氮量为150公斤/公顷,而籼-粳稻杂交品种为180公斤/公顷。
The optimum normal water level is decided by the Hamming approach degrees of each plan. 以待选方案与最优方案间的海明贴近度来决策水库正常高水位。
The optimum operating conditions determined from the identified ANN model were applied precisely. 以此鉴别之代表性模式可以正确地提供系统之最适操作条件。
The optimum operation region of the process parameters is found in the new neural network. 确定金属化工艺中稳定的优化工作区域。

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