Alerion - Signifies one who having been maimed and lamed in war, was thus prevented from fully asserting his power.
象征因战争致残的人,他们因为这个而被拒于功名之外。 |
Alert clubs of SHARE funds available for Humanitarian Programs.
提醒扶轮社注意可运用人道计划中的分享基金。 |
Alert clubs to plan for Vocational Service Month in October.
提醒扶轮社注意开始筹划10月份的职业服务月活动。 |
Alert clubs to plan for World Interact Week (observed during the week in which 5 November falls).
提醒扶轮社开始筹划世界扶轮少年服务团周(11月5日的那一整个星期当中来庆祝)。 |
Alert clubs to plan for World Rotaract Week (observed during the week in which 13 March falls).
提醒扶轮社开始筹划世界扶轮青少年服务团周的活动(3月13日的那一整个星期当中来庆祝)。 |
Alert clubs to plan for World Understanding Month in February and the RI Anniversary on 23 February, which is designated World Understanding and Peace Day.
提醒扶轮社开始筹划2月份的世界了解月及2月23日的国际扶轮周年纪念,同时也是世界了解及和平日。 |
Alert to circumstances; attentive.
对周围环境敏感的;留心的 |
Alerted by the strange situation and with the intention of finding out about the secrets of the lost Mine Valley, necromancer and mentor Xardas discovers our hero in the temple, reanimating him.
由于死灵法师萨尔达斯注意到所发生的奇怪情形,以及想要查明失落的矿坑山谷之秘密的缘故,他找到了在大殿里的英雄,并且使他恢复了生气。 |
Alerted to the holdup, the manager comes outside, but the boyfriend has already cottoned on and he rides his bike into position.
经理觉察到外面的嘈杂声走了出来,但那个女孩子的男朋友已经明白了事情的原委,就骑着摩托车回到位置上排队等候了。 |
Alertness must be bred into every soldier.
警惕性必须渗透到每个战士的血管中去。 |
Alerts UAP manager and quality manager in case of non-conformity.
一旦发现不合格向UAP经理和质量经理报警。 |