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But the business is very profitable.

But the bulk of that is consolidation within group companies or orchestrated deals. 但其中多为集团公司内部整合或联手交易。
But the bull and its hide and its flesh and its refuse he burned in the fire outside the camp, just as the Lord had commanded Moses. 利8:17惟有公牛、连皮带肉、并粪、用火烧在营外.都是照耶和华所吩咐摩西的。
But the bull and its skin and its flesh and its dung he burned with fire outside the camp, just as Jehovah had commanded Moses. 17惟有公牛,连皮带肉并粪,用火烧在营外,都是照耶和华所吩咐摩西的。
But the bull with its hide and its flesh and its offal he burned up outside the camp, as the LORD commanded Moses. 17惟有公牛,连皮带肉并粪,用火烧在营外,都是照耶和华所吩咐摩西的。
But the bullock, and his hide, his flesh, and his dung, he burnt with fire without the camp; as the LORD commanded Moses. 17惟有公牛,连皮带肉并粪,用火烧在营外,都是照耶和华所吩咐摩西的。
But the business is very profitable. 不过,这个行业的利润非常丰厚。
But the butcher sneered and said, This cow has given me a load of trouble! 屠夫冷笑了一下,说,“这头牛给我惹了一堆麻烦!
But the buyer must take order to seller in five month, or the buyer will be as give up the possession of these goods. 但是买家必须在五个月内,向卖家继续订购。否则卖家将买家视为自动丧失该产品的拥有权。
But the calculation of the baiting size of the baffle plate and spacer pipe is complex. 但是其折流板和定距管下料尺寸的计算比较复杂。
But the call is expected to receive short shrift from the other Opec members ledSaudi Arabia. 但这一呼声料将遭到以沙特阿拉伯为首的其它欧佩克成员的冷遇。
But the camera focuses on a handful of the 30,000 troops that landed on the inhospitable spec of volcanic ash and tufa that is Iwo Jima on Feb. 19, 1945, to dislodge some 20,000 well-fortified Japanese. 但是影片的镜头对准了一批为了驱逐20,000人,火力强大的日本部队而降落在火山灰和泉华地区的30,000人的部队,那是19,1945年2月的硫磺岛。

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