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Ghoul Mayor: Who's scary now? Who's the freak now? Freakyboy! Freak circus freak! Who's scary? *HAHAHA* Who's weird now?

Ghosts and blurred area artefacts appear in the render. 重像而且使区域人工品模糊出现在那描绘。
Ghosts and the dead fall under the purview of this Arcanum, as does the health of the soul. 鬼魂以及死者属于此奥秘范围内,以及灵魂的健康。
Ghosts are said to stalk the castle walls. 据说有鬼魂在这座城堡的墙上出没.
Ghosts crowd the child's fragile eggshell mind. 鬼魂们挤进小孩蛋壳般易碎的心灵之中。
Ghostwriter - An accomplished writer who researches and writes an article on an assigned topic under someone else's name.ghostwriter- 一位作家写了一篇关于研究课题指派下一个别人的名字.
Ghoul Mayor: Who's scary now? Who's the freak now? Freakyboy! Freak circus freak! Who's scary? *HAHAHA* Who's weird now? 盗尸鬼镇长:现在谁更吓人?现在谁是怪物?怪物男孩!怪物马戏团的怪物!谁更可怕?哈哈哈!谁现在更古怪!?
Giacoma Balla's Futurist Suit(c. 1920) is on view in the exhibit's section on futurism. 吉科姆·巴拉1920年设计的“未来派套装”正在柯康美术馆的未来派展区中展出。
Giambi -- who has been ailing with a bone spur and plantar fascitis in his left foot -- was not in the Yankees lineup for Tuesday's game, but planned to take indoor batting practice using the inserts. 技安,他因为左腿骨刺所苦,星期二比赛没能先发上场,但计划在室内打击练习上使用支撑器。
Giambi hasn't homered since Aug. 20 and his stroke has sagged since he hurt his wrist. 但是他从八月二十日以后就没有轰出全垒打过,手腕伤后也让他的挥棒越来越没劲。
Giambi said he has been advised to wear sneakers as much as possible, and though he will wear cleats during the game, he took batting practice in more comfortable footwear. 吉安比说医生要他尽量穿著慢跑鞋,但他在比赛中还是会穿上钉鞋,只在打击练习时换上较舒适的鞋子。
Giambi said that X-rays taken on Tuesday in New York revealed the spur, which Giambi attributed in part to the field conditions at Rangers Ballpark in Arlington. 技安说星期二在纽约照过X光显示出来是骨刺,这个骨刺技安在游骑兵主场的时候以为是场地状况所造成的。

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