A five-star resort hotel with a complete range of recreational facilities set in acres of lush greenery.
位于澳门氹仔半岛上一所五星级豪华渡假酒店,俯瞰澳氹大桥全海景,距离机场、港澳码头及澳门商业区仅10分钟车程。 |
A five-year plan unveiled by the Human Resources Administration last month promises beefed–up services to homeless families and better accommodations.
上月人力资源局所发表的一项五年计划,将要加强对流离失所家庭的服务,并给予较好的安置。 |
A fixed amount of scholastic study used as a basis for calculating academic credits, usually measured in hours of classroom instruction or laboratory work.
上课时量,计算学分的学习量学术研究的固定量,用作计算专科院校学分的基础,通常按教室教育或实验室工作的小时测量 |
A fixed charge or tax for a privilege, especially for passage across a bridge or along a road.
费用,通行费获得某种特权所要交的固定费用或税款,特别是为了通过一座桥梁或一条道路 |
A fixed cost may be said to be fixedonly in relation to a given period of time and a given range of activity.
所谓固定费用只是在一定的期间里,一定的业务范围内是固定的。 |
A fixed deposit, also referred to as a time deposit, term deposit or Certificate of Deposit (CD), is a kind of savings deposit with a definite length of maturity.
定期存款,也称为期限存款或定期存单,是存款期限固定的一种储蓄存款。 |
A fixed layout is easy to maintain, and assures readability by all users and is easier for a web designer to code perfectly.
“固定布局”易于维护,能够确保较强的可读性,也可以帮助网络设计师进行很好的代码布局。 |
A fixed or a current account?
定期还是活期? |
A fixed or movable shield against glare attached above the windshield of an automotive vehicle.
遮阳板汽车挡风玻璃上一块用以挡强烈阳光的固定不动的挡板 |
A fixed or removable replacement for one or several but not all of the natural teeth, usually anchored at each end to a natural tooth.
假牙上的齿桥固定的或可移动的假牙,是真牙的替代物,通常两端都与真牙缚住 |
A fixed rate is one that is set and maintained by a government or central bank.
固定汇率是固定的并由政府或中央银行维持。 |