TIME: Why did Bollywood stay in the same rut for so long?
为什么宝莱坞的电影的风格保持的如此长久? |
TIME: Why do you remain so hidden?
时代:你为什么一直深藏不露? |
TIMEEFFECT is a PHP4 based, multi user system for recording time employees spent on projects.
TIMEEFFECT是一个基于PHP4的,多用户系统,用于记录员工花费在项目上的时间。 |
TIMMER PNEUMATIK GMBH - over the sales management you can receive offers and prices by telephone on Fluid pumps, Apparatus engineering, Pneumatics component in addition to Manometer, Ball valves, Pneumatic and/or on Fluid technology.
TIMMER PNEUMATIK GMBH是一家令客户满意的生产商和服务商,该公司提供新型的、专门的产品,例如仪器制造,球阀,压力计,气动组件,气压器械和控制,液体泵,流体技术。 |
TINKERING with the circadian clock, the day-and-night cycle in the physiological processes of all living beings, is rarely a good idea.
捣乱生物钟——万物生灵生理过程中的昼夜节律——绝不是个好主意。 |
TIP - Don't be fooled by the get rich quickor build your business effortlesslytype mentality.
提示:-千万不要有“一夜暴富”或者“一切徒劳”的心智模式。 |
TIPS Aquarius has a lot of adaptability. But you may try many new things but end up mastering none.
学习相瓶子有非常好的适应能力。但是你可能尝试了很多新事物后却一事无成。 |
TIPS image processing and analyzing system for infrared thermalimaging system developed was introduced.
介绍研制的红外热象仪计算机图象处理与分析系统。 |
TIPS on staying healthy: picnics, laundry, restrooms, use of pharmacy.
健康小秘诀:关于野餐,洗衣房,洗手间,药房。 |
TIPS sometimes categorize factories as silveror goldaccording to their paid subscription formula.
有时TIPS根据生产厂商制支付订金的规则将他们分类成“银子”或“金子”厂商。 |
TIPS: Good memory is your born gift.
学习相良好的记忆力是你与生俱来的天赋。 |