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This aggressive style came to be known as“gangsta rap,”and it is this kind of rap that is most popular around the world today.

This again raised their hopes. 这又燃起了他们的希望。
This age effect is so consistent that it might be used as a test of intelligence. 这种年龄差异是很稳定的,因此可以用来作智力测验。
This age's young generation grew up with the computer, online-games and the Internet, all of which allow for instantaneous exchange and distribution of ideas and images via online chat-rooms and Internet platforms. 年轻一代在电脑、网络、在线游戏,和所有这些允许瞬间交换和传达信息、图象、聊天室和网络平台的伴随下成长起来。
This agency had lots of work for me. 这个中介公司有很多工作提供给我。
This agenda will form the basis of our next meeting. 本议程将成为下次会议的中心议题.
This aggressive style came to be known as“gangsta rap,”and it is this kind of rap that is most popular around the world today. 这种激进的曲风被称为“帮派饶舌”,而当今世界各地所流行的正是这种风格的饶舌乐。
This agreement allows authors of Free Software to declare the FSF Europe the legal fiduciary for their projects. 这份同意书允许自由软体的作者声明FSF欧洲为他们的计画的法律信托者。
This agreement can go on five years. 这个协议继续五年有效。
This agreement does not limit Customer's rights under, or grant Customer rights that supersede, the license terms of any particular component. 本《协议》不限制用户在任何配置程序许可条款项下享有的权利,也没有授予用户超出这类许可条款规定范围行事的任何权利。
This agreement is drawn up separately in Chinese and in English. Each part hold one original and one duplicate of each language. The two languages are of the same effect. 本协议分别用中、英文再种文字写就,各方持有一份原件和对方文字的复印的,两种语言具有同等效力。
This agreement is efficiently lasting for five years. 这个协议继续五年有效。

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