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Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune,but great minds rise above it.

Little league teams are baseball and softball teams for boys and girls from aged between 8 and 12. Thousands play in these teams. 少年棒球队联盟是专为8至12岁的男孩和女孩组织的棒球队和垒球队。少年棒球队联盟有成千上万的成员。
Little light penetrates this zone and thus the inhabitants are all heterotrophic, depending on the littoral and sublittoral organisms for basic food materials. 透过此区域的光很少,因此栖息生物都不是自养的,主要以浅海的和远浅海的生物作为基本食物来源。
Little linguistic research has been done on the effect of bilingual instruction on students' English proficiency in tertiary educational institutions. 摘要我国高校双语教学对学生英语应用能力的影响这一问题,至今还鲜有从语言学角度进行深入的研究。
Little logic is required to disturb that definition. 但这定义经不起推敲。
Little mind are tamed by misfortune, but great mind rises about it, ahoy it. 渺小的人被不幸压倒,伟大的人则压倒不幸。
Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune,but great minds rise above it. 渺小的人被不幸压倒,伟大的人则压倒不幸。
Little mission variety graphics are ugly voice acting is horrific no multiplayer $20 more than the PS2 version for no good reason. 缺点:任务缺乏变化;画面较差;配音令人毛骨悚然;没有多人游戏;比PS2版贵了$20是没有理由的。
Little mountain stream is dashing down to the plain. 小山涧奔腾而下,流向平原。
Little of the music was recognizable. 那音乐差不多都难於辨识.
Little of the original architecture remains. 原先的建筑物少有残留。
Little of your efforts are ever wasted on unproductive activities or trivial matters. 你不会浪费丝毫力气在无用的活动或是芝麻绿豆的小事上。

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