Tuzhuang equipment manufacture, distribution (involving the examination and approval system, deeds or documents of ratification business).
涂装设备制造、经销(涉及审批制,凭证或批准文件经营)。 |
Tuzhuang equipment, environmental protection equipment, electronic components, electrostatic generator production, distribution.
涂装设备、环保设备、电子元件、静电发生器生产、经销。 |
Tuzhuang equipment, transportation equipment, molded plastic mechanical equipment, mechanical equipment and food electroplating mechanical engineering installation and technical services.
涂装设备、输送机械设备、注塑机械设备、电镀机械设备及食品机械设备的工程安装及技术服务。 |
Twain began taking odd jobs after school to bring in extra cash.
吐温在放学后开始打零工来挣些钱贴补家用。 |
Twain is known for more notable quotes about more topics than you can shake a stick at.
也许你会奇怪,为什么自己写的博客乏人问津,如果是这样,就一起看看马克吐温的博客教程吧。 |
Twain is known for more notablequotes about more topics than you can shake a stick at.
也许你会奇怪,为什么自己写的博客乏人问津,如果是这样,就和小编一起看看马克吐温的博客教程吧。 |
Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York: Modern Library, 2001. ISBN: 0375757376. (Download a version of the text from Project Gutenberg.
《哈克贝利·芬历险记》.纽约:现代图书馆,2001.ISBN:0375757376.(从古腾堡计划那里下载一个原文的译本. |
Twas such a greedy - greedy wave That licked it from the Coast - Nor ever guessed the stately sails My little craft was lost!
如此贪婪强烈的波浪拍打着它离开海岸;未曾猜到这庄严宏伟的风帆我的手工小船还是迷失不见! |
Twas such a little - little boat That toddled down the bay! ‘Twas such a gallant - gallant sea That beckoned it away!
它是个这样小的小船东倒西歪下了港湾!何等雄浑壮观的大海吸引着它离远! |
Tweak the options slightly depending on opposition and quality of your team.
而如果对阵垫底三队也客场打平就要失望了。 |
Tweaked deed costs, upgrade costs, and maintenance fees.
修改了契约价格、升级价格和维护费用。 |