Holt believes that learning can be pleasurable and that learning in the form of games can be the first step in having children embrace a lifetime of learning.
霍尔特认为,读书的过程应该是开心的,而通过游戏的形式来学习知识,则是让孩子从小树立终生学习观念的第一步。 |
Holt is full of ire against teachers and educational institutions, whom he believes actually serve as a hindrance to acquiring knowledge and learning skills.
霍尔特对教师和教育机构深恶痛绝,认为这些人和机构实际上是给孩子获取知识、掌握本领设置重重障碍。 |
Holt maintains that the best results can be gained when a student is given time to figure things out and to develop hunches that become more and more sophisticated with experience.
霍尔特认为,只有给学生充分的时间,让他们自行思考问题、形成直觉并且随着经验的不断提高而把这种直觉发展到更为高深的程度的时候,教学过程才能取得最佳效果。 |
Holt rejects knowledge that is entirely taught in an abstract manner.
霍尔特还坚决反对完全用一种抽象的方式给孩子灌输知识。 |
Holt's clear writing and empathic understanding of children has made these books favorites of many teachers, parents, and homeschoolers.
他说:“……人们都觉得我拥有很丰富的知识,可实际上这些知识没有一样是在学校里学到的。” |
Holt's examination of our present educational system is a critical and insightful study, one which forces us to look more closely at the lessons that we are unwittingly imparting to our young ones.
霍尔特对现今教育制度的考察和研究是富有洞察力的,也是充满批评倾向的,他的研究成果迫使我们进一步反省我们现行的、很不明智地强加给孩子的教学内容。 |
Holt, with his trust children philosophy, believes, perhaps naively, that they have a strong sense of what is right and have an innate self correcting mechanism that will help them to (eventually) solve a problem.
奉行“信任孩子”哲学的霍尔特认为,或许是天真地以为,孩子都有强烈的是非感,他们具有一种天生的错误纠正机制,使他们(最终)学会如何解决问题的能力。 |
Holter monitor or telemetry performed for 24 hours.
进行24小时动态心电监测或远程监测。 |
Holton, J. R. An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology. 2nd ed. San Diego: Academic Press, 1979. ISBN: 0123543606.
《循环的大气之介绍》。纽约:剑桥大学出版社,1994.国际标准图书编号:0521429358. |
Holy Cow! That is shocking news! I expected the Clips for sure! I discounted the Heat because of Shaq's age but..wow. So Mobley wasn't wanting to rekindle things.
应该是感叹词,大白牛??),真是令人震惊的消息.我希望他是真的,因为奥尼尔的年龄我不认为热火是很强的,所以,穆雷不想让事情有转变. |
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.
你在妇女中受赞颂,你的亲子耶稣同受赞颂,天主圣母玛利亚,求你现在和我们临终时为我们罪人祈求天主。 |