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They cannot understand a thing about it, and neither can she.

They cannot look back at their past nor ahead to what the future might look like. 他们不能回顾过去,也很难想象未来有可能发生的事。
They cannot play badminton as skillfully as you. 他们的羽球打得没有你好.
They cannot satisfy their souls nor fill their inward parts, for their iniquity has become a stumbling block to them. 当耶和华盛怒发作的日子,他们的金银不能救他们,不能使他们的魂满足,也不能使他们的肚腹饱满,因为他们的罪孽作了他们的绊脚石。
They cannot speak any Chinese. 他们不会讲任何的中国话。
They cannot tolerate a third person jumping into their relationship, and they tend to conceal any complaints they have about their partners. 他们不能忍受第三者插足他们的爱情,并且倾向于将对另一半的抱怨搁在心底。
They cannot understand a thing about it, and neither can she. (他们对它一点都不懂。她也一样。)
They cannot walk fast enough. 他们走得不够快。
They canvassed voters for the Republicans. 他们为共和党向选民拉票。
They capitalize on their opponents' mistake and won the game. 他们利用了对手的错误,赢得了这场比赛的胜利。
They captured large quantities of arms and ammunition. 他们缴获了大量武器弹药。
They carded the student when he went to the bar. 学生到酒吧时,他们要他出示年龄证明。

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