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You can toggle this while running a game by using the F6key.

You can throw the litter into the dustbin . 你可以把垃圾放入垃圾桶里。
You can throw the rubbish into the ash bin. 你可以把垃圾放入垃圾桶里。
You can toggle between software and hardware vertex processing at any time when using the hal device, the only device type that supports both hardware and software vertex processing. 你可以在使用硬件抽象层设备的任意时间绑定软件和硬件顶点处理,该唯一设备同时支持硬件和软件顶点处理。
You can toggle it while running a game by using the F5key. 你可以在游戏运行时按F5切换是否使用此功能。
You can toggle the mount as out/hidden by right clicking/using the scroll, which is a normal item you can keep in your backpack and shows the mount's stats. 通过右击/使用卷轴来交替坐骑的出现/隐藏,卷轴是可以保存在背包里的普通物品,还可以显示座骑的状态。
You can toggle this while running a game by using the F6key. 可以在游戏运行过程中按F6进行切换。
You can tolerate bureaucracies and outmoded systems to a point, but if the calcification, rigidity, and unresponsiveness is strong, you will rebel and refuse to cooperate. 你可以忍受一定程度的官僚主义和过时的体制,不过太过分的僵化、刻板、反应迟钝,你就会无法忍受,并且拒绝合作。
You can trade, leave the money somewhere safe, self destruct, and then sign on again with a new account and pick up the money. 你可以交易,把金钱藏在一个安全的场所,然后自爆,接着你申请一个新的账号然后提取你藏好的钱。
You can transact export factoring in the Communicate Bank of China. 你可以在中国交通银行办理出口保理业务。
You can travel to the most distant galaxy. 你可以到最遥远的星系。
You can treat attribute scripting as basically identical to scripting plug-ins, in terms of parameter, rollout setup and handler programming. 你能对待脚本像主要插件脚本同样在参数项目,首次展示设置和管理者编写程序方面。

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