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The main articles of the company are fur skins,scrap, toys, arts &crafts and others.

The main aim of this paper is to generalize some results on extensions of orderings from communitives ring to modules. 摘要主要目的是将交换环上序的拓展的结论推广到模上。
The main analyzed results are as follows; (1) For the prediction of settlement and lateral displacement, the result due to interface element is evaluated larger then without interface element. (2) For the determination of ultimate bearing capacity, the va 计算分析结果为:(1)对沉降量与水平位移,利用界面元计算时,其结果稍大;(2)对极限承载力,利用界面元计算的结果约小12%;(3)竖状基础的水平位移和竖向位移,将受界面元的影响。
The main application envisaged is atom interferometry. 我们主要是想将它应用在原子的干涉技术上。
The main approaches to it were as the followings: increase product quality and decrease the cost of product; strenghen agro-product marketing ability; adjust agricultural structure; promote agricultural industrialization. 同时提出发展竞争力农业的基本途径是:农产品质量、成本管理过程化,强化市场开发,优化农业产业结构,推进农业产业化经营。
The main artery of Qu Yuan Personality is egoism, which is expressed as the following aspects: The sense of self-consciousness is conspicuous, i.e. the inclination of self-preoccupation appears strong; in creation, the authors are inclined to pursue the u 摘要贯穿屈原人格的是自我中心,主要表现在自我意识突出,有强烈的自我关注倾向;创作上追求标新立异的奇幻诗风;幻想倾向表现出过度补偿和完美主义的心理;对抒情主人公形象的描绘带有文饰自我的特点。
The main articles of the company are fur skins,scrap, toys, arts &crafts and others. 公司主要经营商品为毛皮、废料类、玩具、工艺礼品类等。
The main assembly shall consist of two independently operating torsion spring check assemblies, two resilient seated isolation valves, and four ball valve type test cocks. 主总成应该由两个独立运行的扭力弹簧止回总成、两个弹性阀座隔离阀和四个球阀类型的测试旋塞构成。
The main attraction was a Charlie Chaplin film. 最吸引人的是查·卓别林的电影。
The main attraction was a Charlie Chaplin film. 主要的吸引物是查理·卓别林的电影
The main bearing journals fit into the cylinder block and the big end journals align with the connecting rods. 主要轴承曲颈安装在气缸体和与连杆大头末端匹配的曲颈上。
The main beneficiaries of Chile's grape glut are the big producers, who are enjoying vintage prices for their principal raw material. 智利葡萄产量过剩,葡萄价格低贱,以葡萄为主要原料的大型酒商成了主要受惠者。

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