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Americans traditionally say they dislike negative ads.

Americans stopped taking prosperity for granted. 美国不再视繁荣为理所当然之事。
Americans take great pride in their military, the strongest one in the world, having spent a colossal $370.7 billion on it in 2003 alone. 美国人一直对自己的军队深感自豪,认为他们是全世界最强大的,仅在2003年的军费开支就高达3707亿美元。
Americans take shorter and fewer vacations than people in most other industrialized countries. 与大部分工业化国家相比,美国人休假时间短,休假次数少。
Americans tend to put their own special brand on any foreign import and 1)equestrian sports are no exception. 美国人喜欢在任何舶来品上打上自己特有的印记,即使是马术比赛也毫不例外。
Americans then thought men should be 25, according to a new Gallup Poll reporting the change in attitudes. 根据一项新的盖洛普的民意调查,态度上的改变,当时的美国人认为男性应该是25岁。
Americans traditionally say they dislike negative ads. 传统的美国人不喜欢这些负面广告。
Americans try to make the most of their space, too. 美国人也试着将空间做最佳的利用。
Americans usually need a mortgage loan to buy a house. 美国人通常需要抵押贷款来买一所房子。
Americans were robbed and victimized by gun violence at greater rates last year than the year before, even though overall violent and property crime reached a 32-year low, the Justice Department said Sunday. 美国司法部星期天说,虽然总的暴力犯罪和财产犯罪降到32年以来的新低,去年美国人被持枪抢劫和侵犯的比例比前年大幅度增加。
Americans will spend all the money they earn in the whole year on that day. 美国人总会在那天花光他们一年赚的钱。
Americans wonder what has become of the idealism of the last decade. 美国人的理想主义,不知道在这十年间变得怎样了。

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