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L: No, Du Du. Don't bring your dog. He'll eat all the food!

L: Mom, we are gonna have a birthday party for Debby next weekend, and I need a new dress, can we go downtown and look in the malls? 妈妈,下周末我们要给戴比开一个生日会,我想买一件新衣服,我们到市中心的商场看看好吗?
L: My English is too poor to make myself understood. (我的英语不太好,恐怕同学们听不懂。)
L: My book is newer than yours, Dudu. 我的书比你的新,嘟嘟。
L: My last time was 3 months ago? 张:我上次去是三个月以前对吧?
L: Nice to meet you, too. 我也很高兴认识你们。
L: No, Du Du. Don't bring your dog. He'll eat all the food! 不,嘟嘟。不要带你的狗来。它将吃掉所有的食物!
L: No, I didn't. I took a bus. 不,不是。我是坐公共汽车去的。
L: No, no. I buy some sweets. 不,不,我是买些糖果。
L: No. I think I'll stick to sweets. 不行,我还是坚持送糖果。
L: OK. For example, the exam of TOEFL. (可以。比如说托福考试吧!)
L: Oh, Mom, you are not fair. 哎,妈妈,你对我们应当一碗水端平。

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