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Ammonoids Lytophiceras and Ophiceras are discovered in bed -A to bed , and regarded as the zonal fossils of the early Triasic ammonoid Ophiceras-Lytophiceras zone, indicating the Early Triassic in age.
第 -A~层产Lytophiceras和Ophiceras,为早三叠世菊石带Ophiceras-Lytophiceras的带化石。

American Writing in the Twentieth Century.By Willard Thorp. 陶尔普:《二十世纪英国文学作品》
American espionage fictions can be traced back to James Cooper's "The Spy", but its development is very slow. 美国间谍小说的起源可以追溯到詹姆斯·库珀的《间谍》 ,但发展缓慢。
American writer Shirley Jackson's The Lottery is one of the few works with profound implications among the contemporary short novels. 美国当代女作家雪莉·杰克逊的著名短篇小说《彩票》是一篇不可多得的含义深刻的作品,作者巧妙运用象征手法,以一篇小说为载体,讲述了两个故事。
Amiable Composition in International Commercial Arbitration 国际商事仲裁中的友好仲裁问题
Amino-acid difference in the main antigen domain GP(E_) of the C-strain and the Guangxi prevalent strains hog cholera virus(HCV) 广西猪瘟流行毒与C-株疫苗毒gp(E_)主要抗原区DNA序列差异的比较
Ammonoids Lytophiceras and Ophiceras are discovered in bed -A to bed , and regarded as the zonal fossils of the early Triasic ammonoid Ophiceras-Lytophiceras zone, indicating the Early Triassic in age. 第 -A~层产Lytophiceras和Ophiceras,为早三叠世菊石带Ophiceras-Lytophiceras的带化石。
Among patients attending the STDs clinic,serovar F(.9%),E(. %),J(.8%),D( .%)and H(8.%) were the major serotypes, and . % of patients had mixed infections. 例性病门诊病人中,以F(.9%)、E(. %)、J(.8%)、D( .%)和H(8.%)型为主,混合型感染率为. %(/ )。
Among cases of urachal adenocarcinoma extending to the bladder, received extended resection. 脐尿管腺癌 例中扩大膀胱部分切除 例 ;
Among patients in whom CAC was identified, 8% had significant coronary stenosis, and 8% of patients with with significant coronary stenosis snowed CAC by UFCT. 例确诊为冠心病的患者中,UFCT示8%有CAC。 在全组 例UFCT检出CAC患者中,8%造影示冠状动脉狭窄。
Among 8 cadres,the incidence of high blood pressure,hypertension and dyslipoproteinemia were .7%,.0%,.8% respectively. .% of them were smoking and .89% were lake of exercise. 在 8 名离休老干部中高值血压、高血压、血脂异常发病率分别为.7%,.0%,.8%,吸烟者占 .%,运动锻炼少的占.89%。
Among unexplained abortion patients fresh decidua and villi were collected. 例不明原因流产血标本,其中例采集了新鲜自然流产脱膜和绒毛。

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