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We have all along held the corpprate philosophy of “Daily progress”and “Quality wins.”we sincerely welcome enquiries and co-operations with customers from the whole world .

We have advanced Management System and ISO9001 Quality Control System. 公司拥有优秀的人材,先进的生产设备和管理制度,完善的ISO9001品质管理体系。
We have advanced manufacture equipment, many years of production experience of copper tube and air condition coating copper tube, as well as strong manufacture ability. 我厂拥用先进的生产设备,有着多年的铜管和空调被覆铜管生产经验,具有极强的生产制造能力。
We have agreed our negotiating position. 我们已经同意了谈判的立场。
We have air conditioning, beating, a telephone with international direct dial, a color TV set, etc. 有空调,暖气,有国际直拨电话,一台彩色电视机等。
We have air conditioning, heating, a telephone with international direct dial, a color TV set, ect. 有空调、暖气,由国际直拨电话,一台彩色电视机等。
We have all along held the corpprate philosophy of “Daily progress”and “Quality wins.”we sincerely welcome enquiries and co-operations with customers from the whole world . 宝丰员工始终坚持“天天进步、以质取胜”的精神,热忱欢迎各界朋友前来洽谈合作,宝丰真诚与您携手共进。
We have all been conditioned by our upbringing . 我们都习惯于所受的教养.
We have all been conditioned by our upbringing. 我们都习惯於所受的教养.
We have all been gifted with the ability to make a difference. 我们都拥有创造非凡的天赋。
We have all been to presentations where the presenter said “it looks good on my machine at home. 也,颜色通常不移植得很好在一个系统上看起来很好的月台–之间时常在另外的一个系统上看起来贫穷。
We have all earned the wage of sin. 我们大家都已挣得了罪的工价。

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