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We are terribly sorry for being late.

We are taking courses for learning , developing and to understand more of the true meaning of life , to know what truth is , how to walk well in life way , to understand where life is from and whereto go when death arrives , therefore study till you get o 课是为了学习成长、为了了解更多人生真谛,了解何谓道理,了解人生之路怎麽走,了解生从何处来、死从何处去,所以活到老、学到老。
We are taking this extremely seriously, says Jonas Minton, deputy director of the California Department of Water Resources. 加利福尼亚水资源部副主任乔纳斯·明顿说,我们正在认真地考虑这个问题。
We are talking about genuine compassion, sincerely for the benefit of others, not for the purpose of deceptive show. 真正的慈悲是发自内心利益他人,而不是以作秀为目的。
We are targeting the product at the children of well-educated, high income, young professionals. 我们的产品锁定的是受过良好教育的儿童、收入高的年轻专业人士。
We are tending to demand the different medical service expectation for the different of social levels in order to suit with the speedy development of Beijing as an international metropolis. 是北京儿童医院为适应北京作为国际化大都市的迅猛发展,为满足社会上不同层次人员对医疗服务的不同需求而建立的。
We are terribly sorry for being late. 非常抱歉我们来晚了。
We are terrified of letting go,terrified; in face,of living at all,since learning to live is learning to let go. 我们害怕放下,其实是害怕生活,因为学习生活就是学习放下。
We are testing the efficacy of a new drug. 我们正在测试新药的功效。
We are the Maya of yesterday, the Maya of today and we will be the Maya of tomorrow. 我们是玛雅的昨天,玛雅的今天,将会是玛雅的明天。
We are the best friends all time since we meet in school. 自从我们在学校认识之后,我们就一直是好朋友。
We are the biggest dealer of children's clothes. 我们是最大的童装销售商。

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